In-Depth Features

The Project from Hell

Three continents, incompetent management and an impossible deadline is a case study in how to NOT do a major upgrade.

Tame Your Storage with NAS

Buying new servers and more direct-attached disks solves short-term storage issues but creates a bigger problem—the storage management nightmare. Network attached storage, which separates disks from servers, is one answer. We evaluate three top NAS solutions running Windows Storage Server.

MCSE Specializations

Systems engineer premier specialist titles for those whose job roles focus on messaging, security.

MCSA Specializations

Sysadmin titles for those whose jobs focus on messaging, security.

The Mirror Crack’d

This author figured that mirroring his e-mail drive was solid insurance against data loss. That theory was tested to the max when a drive failed.

Storm Stories

It’s a truism in IT that various parts of your network—servers, hard drives, video cards, that mission-critical software program—will grind to a halt eventually. Here we present four disaster-recovery scenarios and how to recover from each.

Unshackled: Wireless Administration

Admin tasks don’t end the moment IT pros step out of the office. These devices and software solutions can keep servers shining, no matter where you are.

Automate Your Security

Many security-related tasks can be tedious—and, therefore, overlooked. Using these 10 scripts can make your life easier, while simultaneously locking down your network.

Take Control of Your Career

It’s time to try some new tricks that will help you stand out from the crowd.

Take Control of Your Vendors

You’ve seen it all when it comes to vendor shenanigans. Here’s how to fight back.

Take Control of Your Security

Here are five things you can do right now— this minute—that will increase security on your networks.

Take Control of Your Network

First, adopt a method and then take inventory.

A Microsoft Roadmap

2003 saw lots of huge releases from Microsoft. While the coming year will be more subdued, you can be sure there’s still a lot on the way from Redmond.

Take Control of Your Users

This requires managing expectations, data and the computing experience.

Embracing Windows Server 2003: Moving a Global Firm from Windows NT

The final chapter in this four-part series discusses a global manufacturing firm’s experiences in moving from NT 4.0 to Windows Server 2003, an operation with 10,000 computers worldwide.

Embracing Windows Server 2003: A Cautious, Long-term Migration

Part three of this four-part series describes a Canadian’s firm’s on-going, cautious efforts to evaluate the new platform for its truly mission-critical 24x7 environment.

Embracing Windows Server 2003: Moving 30 Remote Sites Running Windows NT

Part Two of this four-part series profiles an organization with 30 television stations across the country and 2,000-plus employees.

Embracing Windows Server 2003: Tales from Early Adopters

Moving to a major new operating system is always daunting, but for these four companies, the switch to Microsoft’s latest OS was well worth it. In part 1 of this four-part series, a small ISP moved for the speed improvements as well as server consolidation.


Your company is not keen on you honing your IT skills on its WAN for good reason. Building a lab is the next best thing. Here's how.

Products You Love!

You're the ultimate authority for keeping your network up and running. You've carefully chosen tools that help you most and products you can't live without. Here are your choices for 2003's best of the best.