In-Depth Features

SA Exposed

Customers have few kind words for Microsoft's Software Assurance, and even fewer good choices for upgrades.

MOM 2005 Feels the Love

Readers generally like what they see in the 2005 makeover of Microsoft Operations Manager, citing improved usability, better reporting and expanded monitoring.

Exchange Storage Rules: 15 Ways to Simplify, Solidify and Save

Exchange Server 2003 offers advances in scalability, allowing for dramatic server and storage consolidation efforts—if it's properly configured. These best practices will send you in the right direction.

Think Sun

With Microsoft animosity behind him, CEO Scott McNealy explains why Windows shops should consider his alternative desktop approach.

Microsoft Math

As Longhorn looms, we examine Microsoft's track record in hitting product ship dates and offer advice for coping with the inevitable.

Stop Spam Now

These 10 anti-spam software solutions can help you stop spam in its tracks, restore lost productivity and save money and time.

Dumb and Dumber

This veteran penetration tester has seen some stupid security lapses in his time. Here are six of the worst.

Windows NT: Hard to Kill

Official Microsoft support is no more, but WCVB-TV's Rick Zach and lots of other users are sticking with their NT servers and piecing together support options.

SP2: More Ammo for the Security Battle

Rollout pain aside, users laud the long overdue enhancements that SP2 brings to IE, along with new GPOs, RPC lockdown and more.

Real-World GPMC Troubleshooting

The Group Policy Management Console can be a powerful troubleshooting too—if you know how to use it.

The 10 Essential Rules of Patch Management

The more work you put in up front, the easier it will be to get and stay current when the patches hit.

Talk Among Yourselves

A private IM environment may be just the answer to give your company all the benefits of IM while mitigating the inherent security risks.

Microsoft's $11 Billion Man

Jeff Raikes, head of Microsoft's Information Worker unit, expounds on Office, Software Assurance and the changing nature of life at work.

Intrusion Interrupted

We test three software-based intrusion detection systems that can help alert you when you've got barbarians at the gate.

Best of the Best

2005 Redmond Magazine Readers' Choice Survey: Find out how your favorite tool fared as nearly 2,200 readers pick their favorites in more than 40 product categories.

Valid ID Required

Fighting spam requires authenticating e-mail addresses on the fly. Despite igniting a battle of its own, the Microsoft-backed Sender ID spec is shaping up as the best option.

Users Latch on to SQL Reporting Tool

SQL Server Reporting Services earns solid if not stellar marks from early adopters—and you can't beat the price.

You're Fired

Ditch your server dead weight: Consolidate to streamline management.

New Password Mantra: Go Long

New hacking methods make short passwords unsafe, but Microsoft makes it tough to go long. Her's how to forge an effective policy.

Storage Gets Slim

Forget about low-carb diets. Storage consolidation is the new craze hitting the fat-conscious world.