In-Depth Features

Defining the Digital Decade

Bill Gates has been chatting up the concepts of 'digital lifestyle' and 'digital work style.' But what do these terms really mean -- especially for partners?

Hire Power: Top Recruiting Tips

Here are super ways to win the high-stakes competition to recruit top talent.

Building a Lasting Partnership

Partnerships can be powerful, and powerfully tricky. Follow these simple steps to put yours on a solid foundation. 

The SAM Specialists

Refusing to rest on its LAR laurels, ASAP Software makes a name for itself in software asset management.

Microsoft and Small Businesses: Still Too Little?

Redmond has been reaching out to small businesses, but some partners say they're still getting mixed messages.

Reaching the Decision Maker

Getting past voice mail is a challenge. Persistence, a message focused on your customer -- not you -- and recognizing the diffusion of decision-making power are key. 

SMS Helps Tie Up Loose Ends

Systems Management Server 2003 gives your customers mature configuration management with a low TCO.

Navigating Microsoft

Microsoft is a massive, complex organization. Finding your way through it isn't easy, but savvy partners know it's essential to their success. 

On Deck: The Microsoft Roadmap

Microsoft is ready to unveil some heavy-hitting products in '06.

A Force for Change -- and Cost-Cutting

Matrixforce offers a compelling business case for taking over its customers' IT departments: guaranteed performance and savings of 50 percent.

Formula for Rapid Growth

ePartners' fast-track plan consists of empowering project managers while keeping close tabs on customer satisfaction.

On The Map

MapPoint helps your customers keep track of business performance and mobile assets using maps as a framework.

Get Ready for Software as a Service

Microsoft is bracing for a "services wave." But what will it mean for you? Here's what to expect -- and how to prepare

Round 2

Microsoft takes another swing at Windows Small Business Server 2003.

Fishing for Compliments: How to Land Great Customer References

Partners and marketing experts answer five frequently asked questions about using a powerful piece of sales gear: the customer testimonial.

A Steady Flow

When it comes to small-business cash flow management, it's wise to think -- and plan -- before you spend.

Meet SAM

For partners serious about protecting their IT investments, software asset management can be a smart move indeed.

Customer Contact: How Much Is Too Much?

Everybody knows you need to reach out and touch your customers. The tricky part is figuring out just how often you can do so before you cross the line between attentive and annoying.

The Security Paradox

Though many experts credit Microsoft with making great strides on security, many customers still aren't satisfied. But how much of the problem is really Microsoft's fault?

Microsoft's Small Business Specialist Designation: What's in It for You?

Plenty -- as long as you combine it with a solid strategy to overcome SMBs' inherent fear of investing in IT.