
IBM Gives OpenStack Ecosystem a Major Boost

IBM has thrown its weight behind the OpenStack project, joining the likes of heavyweights HP, Intel, Cisco and Dell.

Microsoft Wants You To Become a Cloud Provider

You've heard the warnings before, but they're ringing true: If you're not able to provide value-added services, you're probably not going to profit from your relationship with Microsoft.

Microsoft Sends a Message After Bamital Messes with Bing

In the last three years, Microsoft has been involved in six botnet takedowns. This one, though, seems more personal.

Partners: Beware of 'Reinventing the Wheel'

Growing businesses have problems. There are many resources to help you address those problems; the opportunity is for you to use them.

Figuring Out Which IT Community Is Right for You

For channel partners, joining a community is essential to making their voices heard by the larger organizations they are partners with. But given the wide variety of communities in the channel, it can be a challenge for partners to know which ones suit them best.

Windows Azure Active Directory: Taking AD Deeper into the Cloud

Active Directory took its first step into the cloud with Office 365, but Microsoft is upping the ante with free access control in the forthcoming Windows Azure Active Directory.

Introducing the RCP/Rocket Award for IT Services Companies

Is your IT services firm's recent history a great growth story? Redmond Channel Partner and consultancy Revenue Rocket want to hear about it for the first-ever Excellence in Growth Award.

Yes, Partners: There Is Still a Channel

As the recent ConnectWise conference demonstrated, the channel hasn't been made obsolete -- it's just gotten more evolved.

Microsoft Pushes 'Cloud-First' Approach with SharePoint 2013

Microsoft this month is releasing SharePoint 2013 to volume licensees, a move that sets the stage for partners to accelerate their customers' shift to the cloud.

7 Benefits of a Prescriptive Sales Process

By spelling out the steps that great sales performers use intuitively, you can develop the rest of your sales staff.

Microsoft's 'Cloud OS' Era Means a Return to License Land

Microsoft threw another wrench in the effort to define cloud computing when it ushered in its Cloud OS era with Windows Server 2012. But for partners, the new definition means that for once, they won't have to change as much as they thought.

Windows 8 and Office 2013 Bring Skydrive to the Fore

The release of Windows 8 and the launch of Office 2013 early next year promise to play a key role in bringing cloud computing to the mainstream.

Sinofsky's Exit Not About Windows 8

A key figure in several of Microsoft's biggest product releases in recent years, Steven Sinofsky has left the building. But that doesn't mean he won't be back.

Reading Between the Lines of Microsoft's Surface Pricing

Microsoft launched the Surface RT tablet with a price tag that failed to impress. Surely, there's a reason for that.

Seller Beware: Customers Want Vertical Partners, Not 'Generalists'

"Geographic generalist" partners that offer any services for anybody, anywhere, are a struggling breed.

Why Is Microsoft Putting the Squeeze on Partner Support?

In reducing its ranks of partner-facing support personnel, Microsoft may be taking some pointers from the president of Howard's old company: "If you've got enough people to do the job, you have too many people."

Is Microsoft's 'Big Year' Big Enough?

Windows 8, Windows Phone 8 and Windows Server 2012 are making this a landmark year for Microsoft, but there's a chance that Redmond has waited too long.

Why Microsoft Calls Windows Server 2012 a Cloud OS

There are four key reasons Microsoft is touting its latest server as the start of a new cloud era. But will they be enough to seriously challenge VMware or Amazon?

Sales Leaders: Are You the Linchpin or the Weak Link?

Know what ingredients in sales, marketing and operations must be measured to perform at optimal levels. A partner needs to track at least four metrics for each department.

To Get in Good with Microsoft, Find the Right Salesperson

As Microsoft moves ever closer to a subscription-based model, connecting with the right salesperson isn't just strategy -- it's key.