
'The Curse of Growth' and How To Avoid It

A viable plan for growing your IT services business should consist of much more than a bigger revenue target.

Who Speaks for the Channel Partner?

Impersonal vendor channels are drowning out partners who voice their concerns. Is the only solution to speak louder?

Microsoft Tries Harder with Amazon-to-Azure Migrations

With the debut of Azure Migration Accelerator, Microsoft has fired another volley against cloud leader Amazon Web Services.

Office 365 'Delve': Is This Anything?

Like a few of Microsoft's newer technologies, Delve will either change the way we work for the better -- or be a scrambled mess.

Microsoft Partners: Get Used to Dodging a Drunk Dinosaur

A few of Microsoft's recent moves have the company lumbering right onto partners' territory.

Building a 'Portfolio of Initiatives' Is Key to Partner Growth

Forget planning for just the foreseeable future; a partner's plan for adapting to the rapidly changing IT landscape should span years.

Microsoft Readies Azure for 'Disaster Recovery as a Service' Boom

Starting with its acquisition of InMage this summer, Microsoft has been taking steps to position Azure as a major provider of disaster recovery services in the cloud.

Microsoft Positions Azure as the Hyper-Scale Cloud To Beat

Microsoft is making major strides against Amazon and Google under the flag of "cloud first."

Which Way Is the Wind Blowing at Microsoft?

Successful partners find ways to align their practices with Microsoft's goals. Finding out what those goals are doesn't have to be tricky, as long as you know what questions to ask.

Microsoft's Channel Chief to Partners: Up Your Game with Us

Phil Sorgen talks to RCP about his first Worldwide Partner Conference as head of Microsoft's Worldwide Partner Group, the evolving direction of the partner channel and Microsoft's role in it.

Five Big Themes To Watch at WPC 2014

From Satya Nadella's first WPC as Microsoft CEO to Kevin Turner's annual kick-in-the-pants keynote, here's what we're looking out for during this year's conference.

Partner Hiring and Training Lessons from WPC

Non-productive partner companies often hire the best, but fall short at training their talent. Don't make that mistake.

How To Not Waste Your Time at WPC 2014

For partners that don't come prepared, Microsoft's annual Worldwide Partner Conference can be overwhelming and unrewarding. Our former Microsoft field rep gives a few guidelines for how to make the most of your time at WPC.

Microsoft Evolves Azure and Office 365 for New Age of Security Threats

With cloud computing at the center of recent high-profile security breaches and the NSA spying revelations, providers like Microsoft have been feeling pressure from customers to lock down their data.

IP Development: Beware of These Potential Pitfalls

The next stage of growth in the partner ecosystem is IP development, but firms should be mindful of its hurdles before making the transition.

For Partners, Where Are the Microsoft Alternatives?

Microsoft partners looking to diversify their practices might have a hard time finding viable alternatives. And no, Google isn't one.

Is the Tablet Moment Over?

The writing might be on the wall for the tablet market, with global shipments now slowing significantly from their jackrabbit start.

Microsoft Brings Azure into Focus for Partners

From Azure RemoteApp to ExpressRoute, the new features Microsoft introduced at TechEd give partners new ways to leverage Azure to develop and sell new services.

Apply for the Second-Annual RCP/Rocket Award!

If your company has a great growth story that covers the past three years, we want to hear about it.

Major Cloud Players Are Jumping on the DaaS Wagon

The Desktop as a Service (DaaS) field is rife with opportunity for partners and tech giants like Amazon Web Services and VMware.