
Separating NT 4.0 from Win2K

A solid understanding of NT 4.0 will help you understand Windows 2000. This book spells out a track of attack for you.

Inside Windows Installer

With the advent of this Windows 2000 tool, there’s finally a concerted effort to get .DLL hell and similar problems under control.

Installing Windows 2000, Part 2

Configuration of Active Directory is the second step to a successful installation.

Your Future as an MCSE

The changes coming to your MCSE title with Windows 2000 give you a good reason to evaluate your career plans.

X-Ray Vision

Use a handy utility called XRay.exe to scrutinize objects and understand what they can add to your scripting efforts.

New Win2K Courses in Classrooms or Online

Microsoft Official Curriculum has been adapted to target a wider range of IT Professionals.

Playing by the Rules

In hindsight, the finding of fact in the Microsoft antitrust case was too obvious. What's next is the real surprise.

Who's Lookin' At You?

Intrusion detection isn’t just software—it means monitoring your network to discover attacks. Sometimes that infiltration comes from places you’d never expect.


The end of the century brings with it a fresh new start for some of our regular contributors.

Testing the Practice Test Providers

Microsoft has a new program that gives a stamp of approval to select practice test providers.

Why 2K is Better Than 1

The future's looking pretty good from this partygoer's viewpoint.

Yanking Data from an Active Server Page

Tap this automated method for using a script to drop “unsubscribe” customers from your email lists.

Installing Windows 2000, Part 1

Planning is the first step to a successful installation.

Looks Like Home

You’ll recognize the architecture of Windows 2000, which builds on the solid foundation poured for NT 4.0.

Armchair Security

Roberta culls her considerable library to bring you some of the best and worst that’s been published on her favorite topic.

Start Your Engine

New Riders’ ExamGear exam prep software offers lively questions for the discerning MCSE-to-be.

Make the Management Move

Consider carefully all your options before deciding management is your path to career happiness.

You Said It

MCSE track changes are getting tougher. But are the changes happening too quickly?

Set Up a Flame-Proof Firewall

Worried about potential security gaps? Follow these seven steps to make sure your installation won’t melt under fire.

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About that new MCSE track...