
What Windows Server 2003 Can Do for You

You've migrated from Windows 2000 in the last year, so why the rush to Windows 2003? Bill examines the pros and cons.

Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam

Put your "Make Money Fast" where your mouth is, Microsoft!

Certified Mail: May 2003

Scripting help; will the "real" security expert, please stand up; and a whole lotta feedback on the "braindumper" case.

Empire of the Air: WEP and EAP

In this second in a series, explore Wired Equivalent Privacy and Extensive Authentication Protocol.

Revisionist Future

“You never leave a recession on the same technology that you entered it." —Gordon Moore, circa 1984

We Have Contact

This month, our columnists discuss what's good (and bad) about the advancement in communication.

Encoding for the Masses

No matter your job (or platform), scripting makes life easier.

Securing Windows 2003 the First Time

There are special considerations when bringing up the first domain controller in the first domain of your new Windows 2003 forest.

Certified Mail: April 2003

Printer troubles; security tracks; success with FUD; and ethics unveiled


When it comes to encoding your scripts, forget about the command line.

Empire of the Air

Imagine a datacenter without wires. The first of this three-part series lays the groundwork toward a wireless infrastructure.

Auditing Patch Management

John needed a way to track and produce management-style reports on patches across his enterprise. Roberta to the rescue!

Time Well Spent

This month, our columnists address what we do in our on- and off-hours.

Walk, Don't Run

How fast will your company move to Windows Server 2003?

Hire the Imperfect

A modest proposal to help employers

Name-Serving on My Mind

Accurately resolving computer names on your network is easy to accomplish. But if you don't set things up correctly and attend to it regularly, you're inviting trouble.

Certified Mail: March 2003

.NET track changes trigger waves of response; how paper MCSEs are a benefit to IT; and more reasons to like Microsoft.

VPNs the Easy Way

Whoever said virtual private networks are difficult to set up and the potential weak link in your security hasn't looked closely at Microsoft's VPN solution.

Thump. Thump. Is This Thing On?

Analyzing network traces may not the most exciting task, but it can be the fastest way to get to the root of a problem.

Windows and Common Criteria

Microsoft heavily touted its Common Criteria certification for Windows 2000. But what does that mean?