
SUS support; Rewarding Job; Worms; and Data Replication Issues

It’s Still Not Done

What to do about the ongoing to-do list.

Keys to the Kingdom

Is giving a local user admin rights any way to run a network?

Automating User Mailbox Creation

The trick to creating Exchange 2000 user mailboxes via scripting is in the CDOEXM libraries.

Local Control

Provide users with local admin access via this nifty script.

Rally 'Round the Server Roles

Nagging doubts about which domain controller is the RID Master.

Script Sampling

A reader needs a dynamic, graphical count of network traffic and wants to use scripting to do it. Bill points to a few sources for understanding scripting.

4-1-1 on SUS

All you wanted to know about Microsoft's update service.

October 2003

Getting Licensed; Security Calamity; Salary Stories

Using WMI Remotely

Two different solutions for using WMI with remote connections.

Lab Experiments

What credentials could offer in the future.

Locking the Barn Door

Of bowling and certifications.

Exercises in Trust

Setting up forest trusts can be tricky. Here’s a step-by-step instruction guide.

Does Windows Endanger Society?

Security study faulty at many levels; let me count the ways.

Solving It with the KnowledgeBase

This column is a lot more fun when readers solve their own problems. Plus, a CAL follow-up.

Brief Lesson on Exchange Licensing

Understand Exchange's per-server vs. per-user licensing implications and you'll save money down the road.

The Case of the Disappearing User Settings

Administering mixed Windows platforms? Then be sure to manage Group Policy Objects from one machine or you'll run into this baffling feature of Windows 2003.

Playing the PR Game

And just what do we go through on a daily basis, anyway?

September 2003

Security Roles, Uniting Technology and Controlling Windows Remotely

Domain Controllers and Disaster Recovery

It's really easier than you think.