
Top 5 Channel Falsehoods

Of the many warning signs that a reseller-vendor relationship might not work, here's a list of the ones I find to be all too common.

RCP Has the 411 at the WPC

News, video, blogs -- we give you the scoop on Microsoft's annual event for partners.

Getting Dynamic(s) in the Cloud

Microsoft takes baby steps to deliver Dynamics solutions in the cloud, with a bit of a hybrid approach for now.

Optimize IT, Optimize Sales

Microsoft's Infrastructure Optimization strategies makes for better IT, and the practices can be applied to better sales.

Building a Virtual Practice

As Redmond's virtualization solutions mature, there's still time for partners to get into the virtualization game on the ground floor.

Make the Most of Your WPC Experience

It's the mother-of-all-networking-events and you'll need a good strategy to make the event pay off for your own business.

SharePoint Joins the Microsoft Pantheon

SharePoint's sales now put it alongside Office and Windows in any discussion having to do with Microsoft's technology and sales successes.

Hey, Microsoft: Don't Shoot the Message

Microsoft's message is at times layered thick with marketspeak, so it's up to all of us to let Microsoft know whether or not we hear their message clearly.

Taking a Vertical View

What does it take to tackle a niche market? Ken has some advice before jumping in.

Buried Treasure: Uncovering SharePoint's Riches

Clients will see the light once you show how SharePoint can help them implement collaborative Web applications.

New Wisdom for Old Services

As Microsoft moves into the online hosting space, partners need to pay close attention to not only what the company is saying, but what it's actually doing as well.

10 Tips for Selling Successfully When Times Are Tough

Microsoft partners can blunt the impact of the recession by maintaining focus with these handy tips.

Making a Successful -- and Safe -- Migration to Exchange Server 2007

Tapping Exchange for its best features may mean partnering with the right vendor to get you the full 64-bit experience.

Cloudy Future for Business IT

Cloud-based computing gets legs, and so does business in the cloud.

Finding a Niche in SaaS

Microsoft Partner Program members tell us that they struggle to figure out how to shoehorn Software as a Service into existing business models.

Blending Design

With integrated tools, how will designers work with your dev team?

Microsoft's EBC: Symbol of Openness, Great Partner Perk

At Building 33 on the Microsoft campus, you'll find a partner incubator that insiders call the "East Wing."

5 Strategies for Effective Lead Management

Between leads and sales lies a mystery. Here are a few ways to make the process more transparent and improve the lead-to-sales ratio.

Boost Accountability, Insight -- and Sales

Step back to get a better view of your partner relationships. More effective: Appoint an advisory board to help you gain better sales insight.

Dynamics at the Crossroads

Will an executive shuffle stifle or spur convergence in Microsoft's Business division?