
Channel Metrics Most Microsoft Partners Ignore

Traditionally, businesses monitor things like revenue, leads and phone calls made. All are important items to measure...but they only tell part of the story.

Microsoft Partners and the 'Adjacency Growth Strategy'

It's when your business expands more than one degree of separation from your core offering that things unravel.

Partners and the Cloud Transition: IT Heavyweights Roll Out Cloud Programs

There was a distinct cloud slant at some of the major IT players' recent partner confabs, with Cisco, IBM and VMware each rolling out new programs to help their partners transition customers to the new computing paradigm.

High-Performance Sales Management for Microsoft Partners

Building a strategic and effective sales management system is just like building anything else: It takes time, refinement and follow-through.

Microsoft Resellers: Cracking the Demand-Generation Code

The Microsoft reseller that can implement a process and system to develop opportunities on its own will always win in the marketplace.

Microsoft Partner Network: Questions Answered in Online Partner Forum

In a channel network that's 640,000 strong, it's a tall order to address the multitude of questions, concerns and grievances that partners may have. Thankfully, the leaders of Microsoft's Worldwide Partner Group seemed eager to hear them all.

10 Annotated Business Strategy Commandments

Sometimes, crafting a successful business strategy requires less innovation and more of the tried-and-true.

Partner Relationship Management: The Four C's, Productivity and You

The more efficient your PRM plan is, the more efficient and productive you'll be.

Clouding the MPN's Future

What happens in one part of Microsoft doesn't always sync with what happens in another. And that can spell trouble for partners.

BPOS Billing Reaction Floods In

If Microsoft doesn't get BPOS billing right, the sharks will certainly be circling.

4 Ways to Facebook

Pros and cons, and thoughts on intermixing business and personal on the popular social network.

Getting Enablement in Gear

Enablement might sound like training, but it provides for a more proactive approach focused on solution selling.

Mind the (Product) Gap

The two biggest reasons for working with Microsoft are its solid support for partners and the breadth of its product line.

Playing the Incentives Game

To succeed as a Microsoft partner you need to understand what Microsoft -- and often a particular person at Microsoft -- wants.

Channel Growing Pains for ISVs

The lower startup and maintenance costs, quicker ROI and increased productivity of the cloud, particularly with Windows Azure, may greatly expand the number of ISVs seeking to build their own channels.

Rising Above a Fragmented Market

When it comes to basic market dynamics, the IT services industry can be characterized in economic parlance as a fragmented industry.

BPOS Billing on the Table

Microsoft needs to reconsider its practice of directly billing cloud computing customers if the company expects to gain serious traction among partners.

Leading Is Different from Managing

Having financial ownership in a company doesn't mean you automatically have leadership, nor does being a manager make you a leader.

Microsoft Partners and the Language of Incentive

The buzzword in Microsoft partner relationships these days appears to be "incentives."

It's Not All Wreckage in the 2010 Rearview

I've spoken to a lot of resellers and ISVs over the past several weeks and a good number of you can't wait until 2011.