
6 Steps in De-Emphasizing Outside Sales

During your early-stage and late-stage implementation phase, consider other steps where an inside approach can be implemented.

Why the State of Vendor-Partner Relationships Is Good, But Not Great

In an informal survey, Mike tries to figure out what's causing the tension between software vendors and their partners -- and what they can do to alleviate it.

In the New Partner Channel, Who's Doing the Selling?

As more IT firms continue to adopt the professional practice model, the traditional salesperson no longer fits the model.

Microsoft-Yahoo, Microsoft-Nokia: Will They Ever Pay Off?

Microsoft is currently paired with some big partners, with big risks. With Yahoo in the midst of an executive upheaval and Windows Phone still trailing badly in the smartphone race, can these partnerships yield the results Microsoft is looking for?

Tech Data's StreamOne Solutions Store Aims To Link Providers

The IT distributor is taking the effort it started with Software License Selector further into the cloud.

Windows Azure vs. Amazon: Microsoft Preps for Cloud Battle

Windows Azure currently lags in the cloud wars, but new features expected to be rolled out this year might boost its odds against market leader Amazon.

All Eyes on the Windows Store

What Microsoft's partners learn about the new Windows Store when it opens this month may have major implications for the future of Windows.

When It Comes to Microsoft Partners, Size Matters

With the tide shifting to favor Microsoft's larger partners, smaller shops need to seriously consider revisiting their partnering strategy.

Analysis: Is There Still a Microsoft Partner Channel?

Channel guru Howard Cohen debates whether the Microsoft partner channel is really still a channel at all.

The Microsoft Partner Network's On-Again, Off-Again Small Business Competency

The Small Business Competency will probably arrive in May, based on Microsoft's pattern of releasing MPN changes.

Boom Times for Cloud-Based App Marketplaces

Partners would be ill-advised to ignore the growing popularity of app stores.

For Partners, the Cloud Keeps Getting Cloudier

The fight for market share is intensifying, and as a result the costs for a share point of growth are getting frightfully more expensive.

7 Things We Learned in 2011

For starters, this tablet thing seems to be really taking off.

2012: The Year of Cloud Acceleration

All this cloud hype will finally come to a head next year. Here's what your business needs to do to get ready.

Microsoft Mulling Cloud Sales for Gold Competencies?

A recent interview with Jon Roskill, Microsoft's channel chief, hints at a possible cloud requirement for the Microsoft Partner Network's highest tier.

The 3 Stages of Cloud Sales Mastery

A quick progression from the moment you meet a prospect to the moment you close the opportunity is critical to a partner's cloud business. The "Velocity Sales Process" shows you how to get from Point A to Point B.

12 Secrets to M&A Success

Begin with the end in mind and know what you want and need before you buy, based on your overall long-term growth strategy.

Microsoft Partners Need a Strategic Plan for Moving to the Cloud

A report released in September based on a survey by CompTIA pointed out that transitioning to the cloud is not proving to be a cakewalk for all channel partners.

Why So Secretive, Steven Sinofsky?

Now that the main elements of Windows 8 seem locked down, will Sinofsky be more forthcoming with information for Microsoft's hardware partners?

The ABCs of a Productive Channel

This isn't rocket science. Lay out a plan by week, by month, by quarter and by year for all of your communications and then execute that plan.