Business Management

Microsoft: Still Crazy After All These Years

Some people might look at the "new" Microsoft and say it's less personal, more corporate. Those people would be wrong.

Can Microsoft Cloud Partners Compete with Windows Azure?

Microsoft's recent cloud moves threaten to push providers away from Redmond and toward virtualization juggernaut VMware.

A Microsoft Partner's Guide to Managed Services, Part 3: Microsoft Product Shakeup

Big changes, opportunities and challenges lie ahead with Small Business Server, Office 365 and Windows 8.

Report: Microsoft Is Consulting with Acer on Surface Pricing

Microsoft hardware partner Acer is consulting with Redmond over potential pricing for the forthcoming Surface tablet, according to a report by Digitimes.

What Microsoft's About-Face on Office 365 Billing Means

Despite snubbing its OEMs with the Surface, Microsoft's decision to allow direct billing with Office 365 shows that Redmond still has its partners' back.

A Microsoft Partner's Guide to Managed Services, Part 2: 9 Add-On Opportunities for MSPs

Top ways for MSPs to add value and revenues range from standards such as business continuity and security, to newer approaches like mobile-device management and bundled consulting.

A Microsoft Partner's Guide to Managed Services, Part 1: Success in a 'Nested Doll' Environment

There are so many trends providing headwinds, tailwinds and crosswinds to MSPs right now that it's hard to sort them out. Industry experts provide a few baseline concepts from their higher perches to help MSPs find a snug fit in the emerging industrywide puzzle that resembles a Russian nested doll toy.

For Top Partners, Microsoft Extends Invitation into 'Elite' Clubs

Microsoft is looking to add U.S. partners to special programs serving SMB customers both on-premise and in the cloud.

Microsoft: Surface Tablets May Cause OEMs To Abandon Windows

Microsoft acknowledged on Thursday that its forthcoming Surface tablet could strain relationships with its hardware partners.

Why Microsoft's Services Partners Need To Specialize

In addition to competing against other Microsoft partners and other software vendors' partners, there's now the possibility of competition with the mothership.

Channel Execs on Partners: 'They're Not All Going To Make It'

A recent CompTIA survey reveals some juicy insights into what's bugging channel executives about their partner ecosystems.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Partners: Innovating in the Network

For Microsoft partners to remain relevant, they have to stay on top of Microsoft technology and keep aligned with customers' real needs.

A Conversation with Microsoft's Channel Chief: BYOD, Cloud and Shifting Partner Roles

What does Microsoft's Jon Roskill think is driving the most profound change in the partner channel?

WPC 2012: Microsoft Upends Dynamics Partner Incentive Model

Microsoft is making major changes to the way partners can earn money on the Dynamics suite of enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) products.

WPC 2012: Quest Adds Global Partners, Service Providers to Partner Program

Quest Software, one of the largest providers of Microsoft tools, is expanding the Quest Partner Circle (QPC) program to include global partners and service providers.