
Sequent Forms Solutions Integration Group

Sequent Computer Systems Inc. (Beaverton, Ore., has formed the Solutions Integration Group, a unit of 100 employees and $15 million in systems to test and characterize key business applications and decision support "solution stacks."

Infrastructure integration -- configuring and sizing systems, including applications, hardware, UNIX and Windows NT operating systems, databases, tools, and middleware, - is typically part of the application deployment process.

The Solutions Integration Group was created to reduce the risk of integration and system deployment, and eliminate steps in the presales characterization and post sales implementation phases of a project. Customers will be provided with solution stacks optimized for performance, scalability and availability and recommend optimal configurations on Sequent NUMA-Q and NUMACenter systems sized for user and data requirements. Initial testing and characterization work will focus on leading enterprise resource application suites, and specific e-commerce, data mining and customer relationship management solutions.

"Standards-based computing implies interoperability. The reality is that each new software or hardware release introduces additional risk to the total solution," says Jeff Pancottine, vice president of global marketing, Sequent.

To that end, Sequent expects its solution stack characterization to eliminate 30% to 70% of infrastructure integration work at the customer site. The service will be offered together with Sequent’s Application Advantage professional services implementation methodology for key applications. – Thomas Sullivan, Staff Reporter/Reviews Editor

About the Author

Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.
