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So How Big Is This UC Opportunity?

Microsoft at last rolls out its unified communications opportunity, and partners might ask, "Just how big is it?" At this point, I don't know, and nobody else does either. But here are the numbers Microsoft is throwing around. I'll pass them along without endorsement.

In a published Q&A with some strategic partners, Microsoft pinned the total revenue opportunity of the unified communications market at $45 billion.

Jeff Raikes, president of the Microsoft Business Division, put it another way on Tuesday:

"For every dollar of Microsoft revenue on our unified communications products in 2008, our partners are going to add an additional $3 of value."

That estimate is not as eye-popping as the $18 in ecosystem revenues for every $1 Microsoft gets in Windows Vista sales, but it's a nice number nonetheless.

Posted by Scott Bekker on October 17, 2007
