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Macs Need Anti-Virus, Too

Mac bigots (three of my kids easily qualify for this label) love to make fun of PC users for all the viruses and malware we encounter. But not so fast, buckos! The Mac needs anti-virus too -- and not just one tool, but multiple anti-virus apps. Who said such a thing? Bill Gates, the girl Steve Jobs dumped 30 years ago? Nope. It was Apple itself.

This is great advice. Microsoft comes clean the second Tuesday of every month with a public list of its flaws. I'm glad Apple came a little bit clean on its potential flaws. Here's why it's so important: Many Mac users are so confident that they pile up gigabyte after gigabyte of personal documents, photos, data and songs. If a virus hits, they have lots to lose, and often haven't taken as many precautions as their PC brethren.

Has your Mac ever been hit by malware? Horror stories and bragging about your uninfected machines both readily accepted at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on December 10, 2008
