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IE 8 Great

Reality check time. We're all led to believe that IE is far less secure than Firefox. I bought it, and have been in the Firefox camp ever since. But while this was clearly true for older IEs, it may not be the case for the latest incarnation.

IE 8, still in beta, appears to be taking the lead in Internet security. It's the safest, most bug-free browser, according to Utest, which invited users to submit their findings as part of a "battle of the browsers" bug contest.

Chrome, just out of beta, was found the least safe. My assumption is most tests were of the beta and Chrome hasn't had the gazillion-fix cycles that IE and Firefox enjoy.

The only problem for Microsoft: Few still trust or like IE. Maybe if IE lives up to the Utest finding, it can overcome the bad rap.

Posted by Doug Barney on December 15, 2008
