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Microsoft Competing with Google-Obama Alliance?

Web site Politico, which gained huge traction through the course of the election, has an article light on details and heavy on fear about Google CEO Eric Schmidt and President-elect Barack Obama.

The theory is that Schmidt is Obama's de facto technical adviser, and that an Obama administration would craft policies more to Google's liking than to Microsoft's. It even quoted an unnamed source (and just one, mind you) who said that Microsoft is "terrified."

I've covered Redmond on and off since 1985 and I've never seen Microsoft terrified, or even really nervous; it's like the John Wayne of software. I don't think Microsoft has any reason to worry, either. One of the key issues is whether the Democrats will get tougher on antitrust, but these days there are just as many Google antitrust issues as Microsoft.

Terrified? I bet Bill and Steve are sleeping just fine!

Posted by Doug Barney on November 12, 2008


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