Barney's Blog

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ScriptLogic Goes to Quest

I'm always a little sad when an independent, third-party company gets swallowed up by a larger outfit. In this case, ScriptLogic is in the process of being acquired by Quest for $90 million.

There are two pieces of good news. First, Quest is a fine company -- great folks, great products, all-around goodness as far as I can see (ScriptLogic is the exact same kind of animal). The second bit of good news is that Quest plans to have ScriptLogic operate as a wholly owned subsidiary. To me, that means ScriptLogic will remain largely ScriptLogic. I hope so.

But these things have a way of changing sometimes. After Quest bought Aelita, the Aelita identity disappeared (though Quest and Aelita had a lot of product overlap, and I don't remember Quest promising to keep Aelita intact).

Anyway, congrats to the folks at ScriptLogic and Quest. I can see the two companies' cultures meshing quite well!

By the way, here's a Q&A Redmond Developer News did with ScriptLogic's top programmer, Brian Bucklew.

And here's the skinny on the acquisition.

Posted by Doug Barney on June 25, 2007
