
Marching Orders 2010

No one knows what kind of business environment 2010 will bring, but RCP's channel experts unpack their best advice to help your business transform for new realities and execute for a successful year.


Partners on Health Care: Mixed Prognosis

By Rich Freeman

For many channel partners, government action on health care is producing both anxiety and opportunity.

Marching Orders 2010

By Scott Bekker

Are we continuing in a recession or coming out of one? No one can be sure. In our fourth annual Marching Orders feature, RCP's experts offer advice to put your company in good stead either way.

Preparing for the Multi-Platform Mobile Opportunity

By Jeffrey Schwartz

Smartphones will grow exponentially in the coming years. If you're betting on one mobile platform, you may want to rethink that strategy.


Microsoft Extends Dynamics ERP Online Services

By Herb Torrens

Analyst: Microsoft is still being careful not to compete with partners on ERP.

Intermedia Offers Resellers Hosted Exchange 2010

By Scott Bekker

Private-label offering includes uptime SLA and data guarantee.

Cisco Updates Partner Offerings

By Scott Bekker

New programs, financing come as the networking giant continues to push for small business revenues.

MaximumASP Posts Developer Playground

By Scott Bekker

Hosting provider provides free server space and access to test ASP.NET 4 and Visual Studio 2010.

Hardcopy Peripherals Market Slips Year-to-Year in Q3, But Gains Sequentially

By Scott Bekker

IDC: In tough times, vendors are rewarding partners that can help them gain or retain share.

Microsoft Wheeling and Dealing

By Scott Bekker

Microsoft makes some business moves in the fourth quarter of 2009.

Oracle PartnerNetwork Specialized Debuts

By Scott Bekker

New program includes partner specializations, resources and a bigger emphasis on social media.

Microsoft Taking Stock of Anti-Piracy Efforts

By Scott Bekker

Microsoft uses a day in December to highlight its ongoing efforts to stop illegal reproductions.