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MPN Goes Live -- Let RCP Help You Get Ready

The Microsoft Partner Network went all the way to reality Monday, when Microsoft turned on the new MPN site and made it possible for partners to begin re-enrolling in the new Gold Competencies. "[We've got our] fingers crossed, but we're feeling really excited about it," Jon Roskill told Redmond Channel Partner magazine in an interview Friday. The full story is here, with lots of detail about what the changes to the MPN are and what they could mean.

In addition to some interesting comments from Roskill about Microsoft's view on the MPN, we got some commentary from MPN architect Julie Bennani about how Microsoft thinks the changes will play out. She shared Microsoft's expectations in terms of the total number of partners, and what will happen to the mix of Gold Competent versus Silver Competent partners.

Roskill and Bennani had a lot of other interesting things to say, so stay tuned to and RCPU throughout the week.

While you're at the site, visit our new section specifically dedicated to the MPN. We've collected our best resources on making the transition to the MPN there.

Posted by Scott Bekker on November 01, 2010


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