McAfee: Yeah, We're Angry, Too!

Symantec isn’t the only security vendor making noise about Microsoft participating in unfair business practices.

In other completely unsurprising but related news, Microsoft is appealing its raft of fines from the European Union.


Posted by Lee Pender on October 03, 20060 comments

Microsoft Buys DesktopStandard ...

Two news updates from Redmond. The EMC partnership, sort of a "Duet" (think SAP) for enterprise content management according to the second article linked here, could be pretty interesting.

Posted by Lee Pender on October 03, 20060 comments

Robert Scoble Lives

And he’s talking about life post-Microsoft.

Posted by Lee Pender on October 03, 20063 comments

Milk, Bread and Spreadsheets

"This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle,
This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,
This other Eden, demi-paradise,
Where you can buy a full office productivity suite for $100...."

OK, so maybe Willie Shakespeare didn’t write that last line when he penned "King Richard II," Act 2, Scene 1. But he could have if he had hung around until 2006. And wouldn’t that have made for better reading in high school English class?


Posted by Lee Pender on October 03, 20060 comments

Symantec and Microsoft Prepare To Do Battle

After trying to downplay earlier this week the problems it might have developing for Vista, Symantec is back to accusing -- and probably with some justification -- Microsoft of wanting to shut competitors out More

Posted by Lee Pender on September 28, 20062 comments

James Bond and The Keystone Cops: Microsoft Takes On Piracy

They probably don’t wear tuxedos or drink their martinis "shaken, not stirred," but it would be really cool if they did. Microsoft and the Russian police have been playing James Bond over the last year or so, working for his majesty’s (in this case, presumably Steve Ballmer’s) secret service and eyeing software pirates in Russia with a More

Posted by Lee Pender on September 26, 20062 comments

Neelie Gets a Call from America

Here’s an interesting little tidbit: Apparently somebody from the U.S. embassy in Brussels has been hounding (sorry, lobbying) European Union competition czar Neelie Kroes to take it easy on Microsoft in the wake of the EU’s heavy fines against and general harassing of the company .

The rumor that the caller was really Steve Ballmer crank calling after quaffing a few pints of Leffe in the Belgian capital is totally unconfirmed -- especially since I just made it up.

Posted by Lee Pender on September 26, 20060 comments

Insecurity over Security: Symantec and Microsoft as Competitors

So, Symantec, after yammering to the EU about Microsoft moving into the security space , is trying to play down whatever difficulties it might have in making its apps work in the forthcoming Vista operating system.

Robin, who has been good enough to write before, says that Symantec has every right to complain about Microsoft:


Posted by Lee Pender on September 26, 20060 comments

First the Uncool Ipod and Now This

The Uncool MySpace . Great, another project that takes Microsoft away from its moneymaker.

Mike, who writes from Finland and adds the caveat that he’s not a Mac zealot, is tired of Microsoft coming up with ideas for entry into new markets and not following through on them:


Posted by Lee Pender on September 26, 20060 comments

Microsoft Office Live vs. Google

As if it didn't take you long enough to read the first entry in this newsletter, here's a lengthy (but useful) look at Microsoft Office Live Basics vs. Google Apps for Your Domain, the two companies' cumbersomely named services for small businesses.

Posted by Lee Pender on September 21, 20061 comments

Microsoft Knows No Bounds

So, a friend from outside tech world calls me at work today as I’m preparing the newsletter. Right as I pick up the phone, I see a link to a story about a Microsoft-powered coffee maker . I tell her about it, and she says, "Why does Microsoft want to make technology for coffee makers?" Good question. More

Posted by Lee Pender on September 19, 20065 comments

Patches for Patches Could Lead to Tough Questions

So, there’s a patch to patch a patch that patched a patch -- or something like that.

With all of the publicity Microsoft’s security issues get, it’s hard to say how users will greet the company’s entry into the enterprise security market. How can partners sell companies on Microsoft security applications when Redmond’s reputation in that area is, well, less than stellar? One wonders ....


Posted by Lee Pender on September 14, 20060 comments