Microsoft's Dynamics Power Play

Six years ago, when Microsoft bought enterprise resource planning software vendor Great Plains, it truly found a diamond in the rough -- or, in this case, on the prairie of North Dakota.

Great Plains brought with it solid functionality, a good reputation for service and one of the most loyal partner bases in the technology industry. It also brought with it customers who would walk through fire for founder Doug Burgum, an old-school technology guy who genuinely seemed to have a passion for his product and his people.


Posted by Lee Pender on July 02, 20072 comments

Redmond To Make It Easier To Ditch Vista

Since nobody seems to actually want Vista , Microsoft has finally set in place a plan to make it easier to ditch the forlorn operating system. Specifically, Redmond is going to greatly simplify the process partners will have to go through in order to downgrade their customers More

Posted by Lee Pender on July 02, 20071 comments

Fake Security Bulletins Cause Real Problems

Fake Microsoft security bulletins are letting Trojan horses free to gallop onto PCs. (OK, we know that the "original" Trojan horse didn't gallop -- and wasn't even really a horse. But we've had so much fun with Longhorn references More

Posted by Lee Pender on June 29, 20071 comments

Red Hat: Microsoft's Next Shakedown Target?

Apparently the big Linux distributor talked to Microsoft about a patent deal before Novell did -- and might still be in negotiations. Bagging Red Hat would be huge for Microsoft's Linux protection racket, which has seen some high-profile refusals of its overtures of late -- including one (we all thought) More

Posted by Lee Pender on June 29, 20070 comments

Google Searching for Support in the Channel

Google is moving deeper into Microsoft's sacred ground -- the channel -- through a deal with Ingram Micro to distribute the Google Search Appliance and the Google Mini.

Redmond surely can't like seeing this. Google is already killing Microsoft in the consumer search market -- a market Microsoft desperately wants to dominate. Now, here comes Google storming further into enterprise search, maybe the only area of search in which Microsoft might have had a built-in advantage for reasons we hope are obvious (as in, pretty much everybody has a Microsoft infrastructure with lots of data floating around in it).


Posted by Lee Pender on June 29, 20070 comments

More Administrative Hassles Hit Microsoft Partner Program

A few weeks back, when we innocuously asked for some feedback on the Microsoft Partner Program, we had no idea that we were taking a can opener to a container full of worms . But now that the can is most definitely open More

Posted by Lee Pender on June 29, 20070 comments

French Bigwigs Told To Ditch BlackBerrys

In a move that surely has this guy snooping around a bit more than usual, French defense experts have told their government officials to stop using BlackBerrys , lest those dastardly American spies steal state secrets from servers in North America. Never mind that the biggest state secret in France is probably a soufflé recipe. More

Posted by Lee Pender on June 22, 20070 comments

Redmond Defends Patchy Record on Security

With news of another potentially serious Microsoft security flaw circulating, Redmond is defending its record on security, saying it patches flaws faster More

Posted by Lee Pender on June 21, 20070 comments

Patches Coming Today, But Beware of Fakes

Microsoft has a batch of patches -- oh, and Windows Server 2003 SP2 -- on tap for today , but watch out! The bad guys have been busy sending out fake Microsoft security advisories More

Posted by Lee Pender on June 12, 20070 comments

IIS Problems Might Not Be Microsoft's Fault

We told you yesterday that Google has apparently discovered that Microsoft's IIS isn't all that secure . Well, if that's the case (and it appears to be), Microsoft might not be to blame More

Posted by Lee Pender on June 08, 20070 comments

Cheers (and Mainly Jeers) for the Microsoft Partner Program

Last week, in an entry on a shakeup in the Microsoft Partner Program , we asked you to submit your thoughts on the program -- what it's doing (or not doing) for you, and what you'd like to see from it. And submit them you did.

Now, we know that Microsoft has lots and lots of partners -- the company now says 400,000 -- and we're sure that many of them are happy to be working with Redmond. But the responses we got reflect a few points of frustration that maybe some of you who didn't write also share. Read and decide for yourself, and please keep your thoughts coming to us. (And, in case you were wondering, yes, we do sometimes share these sentiments with Redmond. So you're not just complaining into a vacuum.)


Posted by Lee Pender on June 08, 20070 comments

Linux and Microsoft: Let's Make One Thing Perfectly Clear

So, ho hum, big yawn, Microsoft signed another Linux patent deal , this one with electronics maker LG. Redmond's neighborhood racket continues apace , with Microsoft bullying Linux vendors More

Posted by Lee Pender on June 08, 20070 comments