Deconstructing Microsoft's Earnings for the Channel

RCP Editor in Chief Scott Bekker digs deep into Microsoft's most recent earnings statement and uncovers some things that the rest of us hadn't yet discovered.

Posted by Lee Pender on January 31, 20080 comments

Oh La La! French Police Go Open Source

Despite what you might have heard, nobody in France actually says "Sacre bleu!" as an expression of surprise. Maybe people did at one time, but they don't anymore. These days, "oh la la!" (yes, just like in the old Sassoon commercials ) is the expression of choice. So, if you're going to react with shock to the fact that the French national police force has More

Posted by Lee Pender on January 31, 20081 comments

Tech Data To Distribute Fujitsu Servers

Another Bekker creation for your channel enlightenment.

Posted by Lee Pender on January 31, 20080 comments

HP Unveils Mobile Thin Client

That's right -- a mobile thin client .

Well, sort of mobile. It's not for the road warrior with millions of frequent flyer miles, Tad Bodeman, director of blade PC and thin client solutions for the HP Personal Systems Group, told RCPU. It's more for folks jumping from meeting to meeting.


Posted by Lee Pender on January 30, 20080 comments

Microsoft To Push Office SP3

Check your Microsoft Update status if you don't want it.

Posted by Lee Pender on January 30, 20080 comments

Cisco Trots Out Data-Center Switch

Dig the lead of this story :

"Cisco Systems Inc. introduced on Monday a new data-center switch that the company says can copy all the searchable data on the Internet in less than eight minutes, or run 5 million concurrent high-quality videoconferences between New York and San Francisco."


Posted by Lee Pender on January 30, 20080 comments

VMware Comes Down to Earth

There are, to be sure, at least a couple of good reasons why virtualization pioneer VMware lost about a third of the value of its stock price on Tuesday following its Monday afternoon fourth quarter earnings report.

First of all, VMware's quarterly revenue number and its projections of revenue growth for 2008 both missed analysts' estimates. And, even though everything else for Q4 and 2007 actually looked pretty good, those two numbers coming up short was enough to scare off investors.


Posted by Lee Pender on January 30, 20080 comments

SQL Server 2008 Delayed

It's looking more like late-2008 than mid-2008 for SQL Server 2008, which might have a branding crisis if it actually manages to slip to 2009 (which, of course, we're not saying that it will).

Posted by Lee Pender on January 29, 20080 comments

Microsoft Makes More Money

RCPU's incontrovertible rule of the technology industry passed another test last week. The rule, of course, is that no matter what happens -- with the economy, with the industry or within the hallowed walls of Redmond itself -- Microsoft makes more money .

And so it came to pass last week, as you probably know by now, that MSFT (cool financial writers love to refer to companies by their ticker symbols) tore through Wall Street expectations again and reported another blockbuster quarter for the period ended Dec. 31, 2007. Plus, the company said that fiscal 2008 will also beat the Street's expectations. Microsoft makes more money. And, hey, for partners, that's a good thing.


Posted by Lee Pender on January 29, 20080 comments

Vista SP1 on the Way, XP on the Way Out

If rumors are true, Vista Service Pack 1 could arrive by mid-February . Already, Microsoft claims that Vista's first year was the safest ever More

Posted by Lee Pender on January 29, 20081 comments

So, Just How Evil Is Microsoft?

Sometimes, we like to make these arguments ourselves...and sometimes we let the former chief economist for the FCC make them for us. The crux of the argument: Evil Microsoft didn't turn out to be that evil after all.

Posted by Lee Pender on January 29, 20080 comments

Infusion Starts Channel Program

CRM provider Infusion Software has a surprisingly entertaining Web site , and, more to the point, a new Certified Consultant program for partners.

Posted by Lee Pender on January 24, 20080 comments