Make the Most of Co-Sell, But Avoid Overdependence

The huge theme at Microsoft Inspire this summer was the messaging around, and supporting evidence for, doing business with Microsoft and with fellow partners.

I have been attending Microsoft's worldwide partner events since 2002, and I remember less-successful similar attempts from Microsoft. This time, it clearly got it right. More

Posted by Per Werngren on August 30, 20180 comments

Profiles in Partnering: The Power of P2P To Bring Income to Your Inbox

How long does an opportunity last?

Whatever answer came to mind, it's a good bet it isn't very long. You receive a call or an e-mail or some other form of request for quotation from a customer and a very, very short clock starts ticking in your mind. You need to be the first and best response to that request, because you know it's been made of others, as well. More

Posted by Howard M. Cohen on July 31, 20180 comments

Profiles in Partnering: Realizing the Goals of the Microsoft Partner Network

What's your plan for the future? If your response is that you don't have one, please remember what Benjamin Franklin told us: "Failing to plan is planning to fail." Especially now in the partner ecosystem.

Unless you're one of the few that have advanced beyond the curve, you simply cannot keep on doing what you've always done. Zig Ziglar said that "If you're doing what you've always done, you're probably getting what you always got," but even that is no longer true. Whether you still call yourself a VAR or a reseller or an MSP, you can't just sit there. Stay still at your own peril. More

Posted by Howard M. Cohen on July 18, 20180 comments

How Microsoft Partners Can Drive Diversity To Build Great Businesses

We all struggle with finding talent, nurturing leaders and better understanding our customers. I believe that part of the resolution for these three problems is to make a serious bet on embracing and driving diversity.

Diversity for me is about making sure that the people who are working for you, and with you, do not come in the same shape. It is about actively hiring people who do not look the same as the ones already working for you. Embracing diversity is about actively recruiting women, young people, older people, people with different faiths, people from different cultures and countries, LGBTQ people and people with disabilities. More

Posted by Per Werngren on July 09, 20180 comments

How to Increase Your Business Valuation

If you are a Microsoft partner looking to sell your business, you're in the right place at the right time. The most recent Equiteq survey found that Microsoft technology expertise continues to be the largest vendor capability associated with IT consulting M&A deals.

However, it's important to know that buyers today are more sophisticated, more selective and savvier than ever before. They can smell a bad deal from a long way off. More

Posted by Mike Harvath on June 20, 20180 comments

Marching Orders 2018: Place the Right Bets

What can Microsoft partners do differently in 2018 to make a business breakthrough? We put that question to 16 top experts, including PER WERNGREN, CONTRIBUTING EDITOR, REDMOND CHANNEL PARTNER MAGAZINE. For more tips on finding success in the Microsoft channel in 2018, read our full Marching Orders feature here.


Posted by Per Werngren on March 22, 20180 comments

Marching Orders 2018: Define a Personal Wealth Target and a Business Value Target

What can Microsoft partners do differently in 2018 to make a business breakthrough? We put that question to 16 top experts, including ARLIN SORENSEN, VICE PRESIDENT, PEER GROUPS, CONNECTWISE. For more tips on finding success in the Microsoft channel in 2018, read our full Marching Orders feature here.


Posted by Arlin Sorensen on March 07, 20180 comments

Marching Orders 2018: Exit Strategy

What can Microsoft partners do differently in 2018 to make a business breakthrough? We put that question to 16 top experts, including MIKE HARVATH, PRESIDENT & CEO, REVENUE ROCKET. For more tips on finding success in the Microsoft channel in 2018, read our full Marching Orders feature here.


Posted by Mike Harvath on March 07, 20180 comments

Marching Orders 2018: Do Something Different or You're Done

What can Microsoft partners do differently in 2018 to make a business breakthrough? We put that question to 16 top experts, including HOWARD M. COHEN, SENIOR RESULTANT, THE TECH CHANNEL PARTNERS' RESULTS GROUP. For more tips on finding success in the Microsoft channel in 2018, read our full Marching Orders feature here.


Posted by Howard M. Cohen on March 07, 20180 comments

Marching Orders 2018: Make it Personal

What can Microsoft partners do differently in 2018 to make a business breakthrough? We put that question to 16 top experts, including CHRISTINE D. BONGARD, DIRECTOR, PARTNER ALLIANCES, ATSG. For more tips on finding success in the Microsoft channel in 2018, read our full Marching Orders feature here.


Posted by Christine D. Bongard on March 05, 20180 comments

Marching Orders 2018: Start Using Social Selling

What can Microsoft partners do differently in 2018 to make a business breakthrough? We put that question to 16 top experts, including JEFF HILTON, FOUNDER/CEO, THE ALLIANCE FOR CHANNEL SUCCESS. For more tips on finding success in the Microsoft channel in 2018, read our full Marching Orders feature here.


Posted by Jeff Hilton on March 05, 20180 comments

Marching Orders 2018: Listen, Learn and Lead

What can Microsoft partners do differently in 2018 to make a business breakthrough? We put that question to 16 top experts, including KEITH LUBNER, MANAGING PARTNER, C3. For more tips on finding success in the Microsoft channel in 2018, read our full Marching Orders feature here.


Posted by Keith Lubner on February 26, 20180 comments