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Marching Orders 2019: Time is Your Top Resource

What are the top steps Microsoft partners can take to help their businesses succeed in 2019? We put that question to top experts, including Keith Lubner, Chief Strategy Officer, Sales Gravy.

Your success will be predicated upon how well you can manage your time in 2019.

Collectively, we are consumed by inordinate amounts of data, by vast arrays of communication methods, and by the demands of an "instantaneous" society. As professionals, we are being asked to respond quicker, be more thoughtful and compete in more situations.

These distractions have caused an immense amount of pressure to be placed on individuals.

The way to solve this dilemma is by being deliberate in blocking out each hour of day. The result is that you will force yourself into powerful hours of intense productivity.

The irony is that managing your time is  simplistic in nature but difficult to maintain. Most people struggle with being efficient and effective, but the winners in 2019 will master the time blocking discipline and will find ultimate productivity.

Keith Lubner is Chief Strategy Officer at Sales Gravy and Managing Partner at C3.  Keith acts as an advisor, mentor, and executive coach to several of today's leading sales and channel focused organizations on strategies, tactics and programs to accelerate growth. He is a world-wide recognized expert on sales, sales enablement, channels, marketing and leadership. His training programs and workshops have been delivered across the globe to several start-up and multi-national organizations. Keith can be reached at [email protected].

Posted by Keith Lubner on January 24, 2019
