
Microsoft Ships iSCSI Support

Delivering on one of the major free, post-release add-ons to Windows Server 2003, Microsoft this week put out the Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI) software initiator package.

Systems Management Server 2003 Hits RC1

Systems Management Server 2003 entered its last major testing milestone when Microsoft put out Release Candidate 1 of the replacement for the four-year-old SMS 2.0.

Windows NT Workstation Support Retired

Windows NT 4.0 Workstation died with little fanfare on Monday.

Microsoft Virus Alliance Grows

Three weeks after sending shockwaves through the antivirus industry with the announcement that it had bought an anti-virus vendor, Microsoft and three security partners made nice in public with an extension of Microsoft's Virus Information Alliance (VIA).

Windows 2000 SP4 Available

Microsoft on Thursday officially posted the fourth service pack for Windows 2000. SP4 comes about 11 months after Service Pack 3 and, like SP3, is a recommended update. The fix list includes more than 650 issues with an emphasis on security, application and hardware compatibility, Windows 2000 setup and operating system reliability.

Exchange 2003 to RTM Monday

Microsoft will release Exchange Server 2003 to manufacturing on Monday, company officials said Thursday. The company plans to hold prices steady from Exchange 2000 to Exchange 2003 and will include more flexible licensing options for the messaging server, as well.

Opinion: Microsoft vs. Network Appliance: Full of Sound and Fury, Signifying Nothing

Longhorn changes the rules of the NAS game, but performance and price still matter most when shopping for NAS devices.

Microsoft Updates BI Tool

Microsoft on Wednesday released an updated version of a tool to help system integrators and other Microsoft partners build business intelligence applications atop SQL Server.

Important Security Flaw Affects Windows 2000 Servers

Microsoft on Wednesday put out a pair of security bulletins, including one alerting users to an important security flaw affecting the Windows 2000 servers.

Dell to Ship Madison-based Servers

Dell officials on Wednesday said the company would ship two-way servers based on the upcoming Itanium 2 “Madison” 64-bit processor. The announcement marks the computermaker’s return to Itanium, after skipping the “McKinley” generation of the chip.

Microsoft Names Chief Privacy Strategist

Microsoft has gone outside the company to fill the position of chief privacy strategist. Peter Cullen, the corporate privacy officer for Royal Bank of Canada, will join Microsoft on July 14.

Licensing 6.0 Step-up Program on Tap

A few weeks after introducing a blockbuster list of changes to Licensing 6.0, Microsoft gave the licensing program another significant tweak in allowing customers with standard edition server software to upgrade to the enterprise edition at a reasonable price.

ERP Market Revenues Declined in 2002

As top ERP vendors battle in court and in corporate boardrooms, newly published Gartner research shows that the Enterprise Resource Planning market was on the decline in 2002.

HP Unveils Mobility Push

HP launched a business mobility push on Wednesday that involves new laptops, handhelds and a rebate program for trade-in PCs.

West Virginia Settles in Antitrust Case

Holding out of the Microsoft antitrust settlement paid off in a big way for West Virginia. The state, one of the poorest in the nation, settled on Monday with the software giant for $21 million in cash and vouchers.

Microsoft Strikes at Alleged Spammers with Lawsuits

Microsoft opened a legal offensive against spammers on Tuesday through a flurry of lawsuits filed in Washington state and the United Kingdom.

Microsoft Reiterates SQL Slammer Warning

In response to the publication of the SQL Slammer source code in a major industry magazine, Microsoft officials are warning users to make sure they've taken advantage of the rash of SQL Slammer defenses on the Microsoft Web site.

Instant Messaging Tidal Wave to Hit Corporate IT

Corporate instant messaging will take off in the next four years, according to a new study by messaging researchers at The Radicati Group.

Dell, EMC Extend Storage Alliance

About two years and 4,100 customers into a storage partnership, Dell and EMC have decided that the arrangement is working out well enough to extend it.

Gartner: Intrusion Detection Systems a Bust

Investing money in intrusion detection and prevention technologies is a mistake because the systems are failing to provide value and will be obsolete by 2005, according to research analysts at Gartner.