Business Management

7 Benefits of a Prescriptive Sales Process

By spelling out the steps that great sales performers use intuitively, you can develop the rest of your sales staff.

Microsoft's 'Cloud OS' Era Means a Return to License Land

Microsoft threw another wrench in the effort to define cloud computing when it ushered in its Cloud OS era with Windows Server 2012. But for partners, the new definition means that for once, they won't have to change as much as they thought.

Seller Beware: Customers Want Vertical Partners, Not 'Generalists'

"Geographic generalist" partners that offer any services for anybody, anywhere, are a struggling breed.

Microsoft To Consolidate MPN Competencies in November (CHART)

Microsoft is reducing the number of competencies in the Microsoft Partner Network this month from 29 to 25.

Microsoft Acquires Marketing Software Firm MarketingPilot

Microsoft gave its Dynamics CRM business a boost this week, acquiring Evanston, Ill.-based MarketingPilot Software for an undisclosed amount.

Why Is Microsoft Putting the Squeeze on Partner Support?

In reducing its ranks of partner-facing support personnel, Microsoft may be taking some pointers from the president of Howard's old company: "If you've got enough people to do the job, you have too many people."

Windows Server 2012: The 24 Things Microsoft Partners Should Know

With an all-new model of computing, the next version of the Microsoft flagship server OS comes with new editions, licensing, product dependencies, features and partner opportunities.

Sales Leaders: Are You the Linchpin or the Weak Link?

Know what ingredients in sales, marketing and operations must be measured to perform at optimal levels. A partner needs to track at least four metrics for each department.

Microsoft Ramps Up Retail Store Openings

Microsoft opened two retail stores in the suburbs of New York City on Friday, bringing the total number of locations up to 25.

To Get in Good with Microsoft, Find the Right Salesperson

As Microsoft moves ever closer to a subscription-based model, connecting with the right salesperson isn't just strategy -- it's key.

Microsoft ISVs and VARs Finding Success in Partner-to-Partner Deals

The days of the one-stop-shop Microsoft partner are over. But sometimes customers want more than a partner can deliver. Smart partners turn to P2P relationships to keep their businesses strong.

Don't Worry, the Cloud Won't Kill the Channel -- Just Change It

Doomsayers are blaming cloud computing for the theoretical demise of the channel, but from Howard's point of view, it's all FUD.

Office 365: Microsoft Partners Reset Their Plans Around Direct Billing

With the introduction of a mainstream partner billing option for Office 365, Microsoft overcame the biggest partner objection to its cloud productivity suite. Now happier partners are looking for ways to restart their efforts with new business-model options.

What About Windows RT?

Windows 8 has taken the lion's share of the spotlight, but Windows RT still has big implications for Microsoft partners.

MPN Changes Coming November To Include Gold Price Hike

Other tweaks on tap for November include consolidation of app dev competencies, shuffling of SharePoint competencies and recasting of the Desktop competency.