
SMS Planning Chart

Components Details
Network cabling/wireless media that will support SMS

[ ] UTP [ ] STP

[ ] Copper core [ ] Fiber

[ ] Wireless [ ] Other: explain

Primary Network device information.

dev 1 Type:

Manufacturer: _____ Model: _____

IP addresses: [ ], [ ], [ ],
[ ], [ ]

SNMP enabled? [ ] Yes [ ] No

If yes, SNMP community name: Public

dev 2 Type:

Manufacturer: _____ Model: _____

IP addresses: [ ], [ ], [ ],
[ ], [ ]

SNMP enabled? [ ] Yes [ ] No

If yes, SNMP Community Name: Public

IP addresses and community names of other SNMP-enabled devices.

Don’t include PCs, such as Windows NT workstations running the SNMP service.

dev 1 Type:

Manufacturer: _____ Model: _____

IP addresses: [ ], [ ], [ ]

SNMP community name: _____

If Type is “Other,” please describe the device type: _____

dev 2 Type:

Manufacturer: _____ Model: _____

IP addresses: [ ], [ ], [ ]

SNMP community name: _____

If Type is “Other,” please describe the device type: _____

TCP/IP subnets containing computer resources.

Net. 1 Subnet address: Mask:

Approximate number of computers on this segment: _____

Net. 2 Subnet address: Mask:

Approximate number of computers on this segment: _____

IPX networks containing computer resources.

This information is required only if you plan to discover computer resources using IPX/SPX. Otherwise, the IP information provided is sufficient.

Net. 1 Network number: _____

Approximate number of computers on this segment: _____

Net. 2 Network number: _____

Approximate number of computers on this segment: _____

Net. 3 Network number: _____

Approximate number of computers on this segment: _____

DHCP Server information

IP addresses: [ ], [ ], [ ]

Computer name: _____

IP addresses: [ ], [ ], [ ]

Computer name: _____

Windows NT/2000 Domains

Domain name: _____

[ ] Resource domain [ ] Logon (Master) domain

Domain controller computer names (separate each computer name with a comma): _____

If NT Server 3.5x or 4, which computer name is the PDC?

Domain name: _____

[ ] Resource domain [ ] Logon (Master) domain

Domain controller computer names (separate each computer name with a comma): _____

If NT Server 3.5x or 4, which computer name is the PDC?

NetWare Logon Servers (3.x and 4.x)

Server name: _____

[ ] Bindery server [ ] NDS server

If NetWare 4.x, does the server support bindery emulation?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

Server name: _____

[ ] Bindery server [ ] NDS server

If NetWare 4.x, does the server support bindery emulation?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

Accounts management (User and Group account discovery)

Do you plan to distribute software to Windows NT/2000 users and groups or will software only be distributed to client computers?

[ ] Client computers only [ ] Both

Heartbeat Discovery Does your network contain computers that rarely log on, like email servers and print servers?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
WAN connections that will support SMS

Type: Bandwidth:

Is this connection heavily utilized? [ ] Yes [ ] No

If yes, what periods show peak activity?

Approximate number of client computers on the far side of the connection:_____

Type: Bandwidth:

Is this connection heavily utilized? [ ] Yes [ ] No

If yes, what periods show peak activity?

Approximate number of client computers on the far side of the connection:_____

Client computer functions

Which functions do you plan to use soon after your initial deployment of SMS?

[ ] Hardware Inventory

[ ] Product compliance (Y2K)

[ ] Software Inventory [ ] Report generation

[ ] Remote Tools [ ] Software Metering

[ ] Event to Trap Translation (Windows NT/2000 client computers only)

Which functions do you plan to use six months to a year after your initial deployment of SMS?

[ ] Hardware Inventory

[ ] Product compliance (Y2K)

[ ] Software Inventory [ ] Report generation

[ ] Remote Tools [ ] Software Metering

[ ] Event to Trap Translation (Windows NT/2000 client computers only)

Windows NT/2000 Server non-domain controllers

Computer name: _____ Primary purpose:

Site location: _____

Bandwidth to primary network (usually corporate network):

Computer name: _____ Primary purpose:

Site location: _____

Bandwidth to primary network (usually corporate network):

Client computer operating systems where SMS agents will operate

[ ] Windows 3.x and WFW [ ] Windows 95/98

[ ] Windows NT/2000

Other client computer operating systems that SMS agents don’t support

[ ] MS-DOS [ ] OS/2

[ ] Unix (all versions) [ ] Apple System x

Laptop computers

Will client agents be installed on laptop computers?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

If yes, do the majority of mobile users report to a central location?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

Remote tools

Do you currently support a real-time remote support tool?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

If yes, provide the name here: _____

International support

Will you be supporting sites that operate using non-English languages?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

If yes, provide the names here: _____

Network plans

Are there plans to make significant changes to the current structure of your network before SMS is deployed?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

If yes, explain the significant changes and an estimate as to when the changes will be implemented:

About the Author

Ethan Wilansky, MCSE, MCT, is the president of Network Design Group and an author. He actively consults in Seattle and Washington, D.C.


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