The Main Challenges in a Hybrid Workplace and How to Overcome Them

Date: Tuesday, December 1st at 11am PDT / 2pm EDT

The global pandemic has changed the way small businesses operate. Find out how your clients can stay afloat and be more productive in the cloud during these trying times.

In the this exclusive webcast we explore the main challenges you face in a hybrid workplace and how to overcome them. You will learn:

  • What the situation looks like today
  • Best practices for overcoming your most difficult challenges
  • Tips to help your clients stay productive in the cloud
  • The most important tools to help your client succeed when working from home

Get well prepared for 2021!

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Paul Reed, Partner Technology Strategist, Microsoft

Jared Bernatt, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Microsoft

Michael Slater, Director, Corporate Team - Sales, Sherweb

Nicholas Ford, Partner Network Lead, Sherweb

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