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HP Offers 0% Financing to SMBs

Solution providers pitching to SMB customers in this economic environment got a new arrow for the quiver this week with HP's introduction of zero percent financing promotions.

The Palo Alto, Calif.-based computer giant is offering a financing option and a leasing option, both through its HP Financial Services subsidiary.

The financing plan offers zero percent interest spread over a 12-month term with a $1 payment to purchase the equipment at the end of the term. The leasing option is a zero percent, 36-month lease with an option to purchase at fair-market value at the end of the term.

To be eligible for the plans, purchases must fall between $1,500 and $150,000 in the United States. In Canada, the eligible purchase range is CDN$5,000 to CDN$150,000. The offer lasts through April 30. More information is available here.

As we've said time and again at RCP, alerting your customers to financing options is a solid tactic for surviving in a down economy. There's no interest rate as appealing to a customer as zero. The question, of course, will be, "Will your customers qualify for the credit?"

Posted by Scott Bekker on January 30, 2009
