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Outsourcing the Next Bill Gates

I consider Ray Ozzie to be the next Bill Gates since Ray will ultimately drive software strategy for Microsoft. Pollsters at Zogby have a different view -- to them, the next Bill Gates is the man or woman that drives the next generation of technology. And that person doesn't wave the stars and stripes, most Americans believe. Instead, the next Bill G. will hail from Asia, either Japan or China, or perhaps India.

But Zogby didn't call up hundreds of Americans just to ask about Gates. While interrupting all these dinners, Zobgy also found that Americans believe that kids know more about the Internet than congressmen -- though Sen. Ted Stevens from Alaska did nail it when he defined the 'Net as a series of tubes. That was as insightful as George W. talking about "The Google."

Posted by Doug Barney on January 02, 2007
