Redmond Expected to Sprout Beta 3 This Week
- By Scott Bekker
- April 28, 1999
The closest thing to what the industry calls Windows 2000 and what Microsoft Corp. is probably calling a poster child for headache medicine will hit the streets by the end of the week in all its Beta 3 glory.
The Redmond, Wash.-based company has scheduled a 2 p.m. (EDT) press conference for Thursday with Windows 2000 vice president Brian Valentine expected to be in attendance. The release was previously expected for release on April 21 during Windows World in Chicago but two weeks ago news got out that it would need to be delayed an additional week.
Microsoft was supposed to give OEMs a two-day head start so that they could ship PCs with beta 3 and include a coupon for a final version upon release. Since Windows 2000 is such a jump from NT 4.0, Microsoft hopes business will use the beta version and test it out so when the final version, due in October, comes out, administrators won't be overwhelmed to implement it.
Microsoft will also announce a Corporate Partnership Program for users to purchase the beta, just like they have for other large beta releases. The company will use its Microsoft Certified Solutions Providers to sell the Beta 3 for $59.95. -- Brian Ploskina
About the Author
Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.