How to Stay Disruption-Free During Hurricane Season

Date: Wednesday, October 7th at 11am PDT / 2pm EDT

Natural disasters are becoming more frequent and more costly. When a critical system goes down, businesses suffer lost revenue and productivity until normal operations resume. Instead of living with the risk of this unexpected downtime, companies have options for disaster recovery that fits their needs and resources available.  Are you prepared to help your customers create a plan for keeping their systems online if a hurricane strikes their location? 

In this webinar, we’ll look at the different options for maintaining operations during a hurricane or other major outage. Topics covered will include:

  • Recent trends in natural disasters and the costs for businesses
  • What is DRaaS and how does it support business continuity
  • Differences between self-service DRaaS and fully managed

Join us for this highly relevant webinar, considering the recent uptick in the intensity and frequency of hurricanes and other natural disasters. A brief Q & A session follows the presentation.

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