
Is It Time for Windows To Be Open Source?

Microsoft already shook up the Windows ecosystem by making upgrades to Windows 10 free (with caveats). Here’s a look at what might happen if Microsoft took another unthinkable step and made Windows open source. It’s less of a crazy idea than you might think.


Microsoft Makes a Stronger Case for Azure

By Scott Bekker

For as long as Redmond has offered Microsoft Azure, it's been available to partners. At the beginning of this fiscal year, though, the company started a much more concerted push to bring more of the channel along. Is there enough incentive, especially on the SMB side, for it to make sense for partners?

Is It Time for Microsoft To Open Source Windows?

By Gladys Rama

Microsoft is already shaking up the Windows ecosystem with its new delivery model for Windows 10. Is it time for Microsoft to take another step and do the once unthinkable -- make Windows open source? We look at the perks, pitfalls and complications that would be involved if Windows were to go open source.

Windows 10 Hardware: More of the Same, but This Time That's OK

By Scott Bekker, Jeffrey Schwartz

Microsoft's OEM partners have a lot of systems ready to go for Windows 10, because they're pretty much the same PCs they've honed or Windows 8.1.