
Cloud Comfort

Relax, there's a future with Microsoft in the cloud, Allison Watson plans to tell partners at the WPC. That's not to say it won't take hard work to get there. Pioneering partners share their flight path to profits.


Get Comfortable with the Cloud

By Scott Bekker

Relax, there's a future with Microsoft in the cloud, channel chief Allison Watson plans to tell partners at this month's WPC. That's not to say it won't take hard work to get there. Watson and pioneering partners share their flight path to profits.

Migration Madness: SharePoint 2010

By Jeffrey Schwartz

Now that SharePoint 2010 is shipping, partners are primed to handle upgrades on customers' terms.

Bare Metal Battle: Microsoft and Citrix vs. the World

By John K. Waters

Microsoft leads partners to side with Citrix in virtualization's newest battle.


Microsoft Demos New Communications Server

By Kurt Mackie

New soft PBX platform due out by end of year.

Key Windows Server 2008 R2 Update

By Kurt Mackie

First service pack coming this month for Windows Server 2008 R2.

OEM Chief Makes the Case for Microsoft

By Scott Bekker

Guggenheimer explains why Microsoft still matters in a digital near-future that isn't necessarily PC-centric.

Why the University of Arizona Chose BPOS

By Jeffrey Schwartz

A Q&A with university CIO Michele Norin.

Cloud Takes Different Shapes for Two Exchange 2010 Deals

By Jeffrey Schwartz

These deployments show that not all cloud migrations are a one-way street.

Changes Afoot at IAMCP

By Scott Bekker

Microsoft partner member organization adjusts name, U.S. chapter lands new engagement model with Microsoft field.