
August 2007 - The Right Stuff: Microsoft's Roadmap for Partners

In this issue: Microsoft execs describe a plan to ensure better coordination with partners in RCP's August cover story. The issue also looks at four "myths" about Microsoft's Partner Program, solution selling tips and what's up with Vista, plus much more.


The Right Stuff

By Anne Stuart

Microsoft executives view their 'benefits wheel' as the hub of their new campaign to get the right benefit to the right partner at the right time.

Solving the Puzzle -- Together

By Fred Bayles

In solution selling, partners and customers join forces to solve problems -- and both parties win.

Microsoft Myths

By Scott Bekker

Deconstructing the most common statistics and figures about the Microsoft Partner Program.

Awaiting a Vista Bounce

By Rich Freeman

Microsoft calls Windows Vista its fastest-selling OS yet. Partners are waiting -- patiently -- for that momentum to reach the channel.