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Microsoft Extends BPOS Subsidy to April 18

The Microsoft high-value promotion that returns up to 68 percent of first-year Business Productivity Online Suite revenues to U.S. partners got an extension for most of April.

MicrosoftSMB tweeted Monday, "The deadline for [Microsoft's] Business Productivity Online Services reward has been extended to 4/18!" The BPOS Customer Rewards Offer had been scheduled to expire April 1.

This is the deal I highlighted here earlier this month that gives customers subsidy checks made out to their favorite Microsoft partners for hardware, software or services. The check is for half the value of a first-year BPOS subscription of 5 to 25 seats (between $300 and $1,500). If the partner is also the partner of record earning 18 percent first-year BPOS margins, that's a 68 percent margin from Microsoft for the year. The deal also applies to Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, Office Communications Online and deskless editions of the products.

Microsoft posted subsidy details here.

Posted by Scott Bekker on March 29, 2011
