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A Google Q&A

Google is in the driver's seat right now when it comes to cloud computing. It seems that much of what the industry does in the cloud -- I'm especially talking about Microsoft here -- is in response to some move by Google.

I don't think Microsoft would say so, but there's a widespread industry view that Microsoft's recent price cuts to its Business Productivity Online Suite, Hosted Exchange and other hosted applications were directly due to Redmond's losing the Los Angeles contract for an e-mail platform to Google.

Given that situation, I highly recommend a Q&A on our Web site with Matthew Glotzbach, product management director for Google Enterprise.

Glotzbach remains cagey about the scale of Google's datacenters, but otherwise, our own Kurt Mackie draws him out on how Google's various components fit together into solutions, on overall strategy and on some interesting details about the Los Angeles competition.

Posted by Scott Bekker on November 12, 2009


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