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MSPs for SOHOs?

Small Office/Home Office businesses are, theoretically, some of the best candidates for outsourced IT services, but SOHO customers have proven extremely difficult to reach (and to bill). Level Platforms Inc. has bet a chunk of its remote monitoring and management software R&D budget that there is a real market there. Level Platforms sells RMMS software, called Managed Workplace, to managed service providers.

Level Platforms this week announced that it has extended Managed Workplace to support Windows Home Server. According to Level Platforms, solution providers will be able to use Managed Workplace on Windows Home Server to monitor servers, PCs, network devices, printers, IP telephony and Windows-based applications. The combination is also supposed to allow alerting, asset management, remote control, patch management, backup and recovery, security, reporting and other functions.

Posted by Scott Bekker on January 29, 2009
