Makes Acquisition, Announces Results

The SaaS juggernaut did pretty well revenue-wise, but an acquisition spooked investors a bit and sent the company's stock tumbling this week.

And while we're on the topic of SaaS, David writes from Australia that Google's recent blip is nothing to worry about:


Posted by Lee Pender on August 21, 20080 comments

Microsoft Chucks Another Hundred Mil at Novell

The deal the Linux world hates got a bit larger this week, as Microsoft pledged another $100 million toward the Novell SuSE Linux deal.

Posted by Lee Pender on August 21, 20080 comments

Microsoft Relaxes Virtualization Licensing

It's about to get easier to virtualize (if that's actually a verb) Microsoft servers.

Posted by Lee Pender on August 20, 20080 comments

XP: The OS That Wouldn't Go Away

There's more bad news for Microsoft regarding Vista, if you can believe that. This week, a company called Devil Mountain Software that tracks such things said that 35 percent of PCs end up with "downgrades" More

Posted by Lee Pender on August 20, 20088 comments

Redmond Offers Ultimate Support

It sort of sounds like a tag line you'd expect to hear in an underwear ad, but Microsoft is now touting "ultimate" support through its Microsoft Services Premier Ultimate offering.

Posted by Lee Pender on August 20, 20080 comments

China, Taiwan Jump on Antitrust Bandwagon

Taiwan -- or Chinese Taipei for Olympic purposes -- is all over antitrust proceedings regarding Vista and XP, apparently. But what's really funny to us is that the rumored Chinese antitrust investigation of Microsoft More

Posted by Lee Pender on August 19, 20080 comments

OOXML Finally Gets the Gold

We're contractually obligated -- OK, we don't have contracts here at RCPU, but if we did we'd be obligated -- to mention the Olympics this time of year, so here you go: Microsoft's Office Open XML format, for which we previously used a sports metaphor to discuss, finally got its gold medal late last week, sweeping away the last few desperate appeals and becoming -- for sure, this time -- an More

Posted by Lee Pender on August 19, 20082 comments

Windows 7 Blog Bad News for Vista

Microsoft would really love for you to buy Vista and all...but, hey, if you're really into Windows, the next version has its own blog . We've heard partners tell us that Microsoft's promotion of Windows 7 has hurt Vista's prospects for becoming the next XP. And we do sense a real mixed message from Microsoft here: On one hand, Steve Ballmer and company really pushed the forlorn OS at the Worldwide Partner Conference...but, on the other hand, Windows 7 sure is getting a lot of advance publicity from Redmond. More

Posted by Lee Pender on August 19, 20083 comments

Cisco Consolidates Linksys Partner Program

The Linksys small business partner program is now under the wide umbrella of Cisco's SMB partner program.

Posted by Lee Pender on August 14, 20080 comments

Vista Making Gains in U.K.

Vista is eating up U.K. market share -- or, more specifically, taking it away from XP -- not because customers like it but because they can't avoid it .

By the way, we're still taking e-mails on whether you're going to try to stretch XP until Windows 7 arrives. We'll run your responses next week. Sound off at More

Posted by Lee Pender on August 14, 20080 comments

Google's SaaS Scare

Nobody's perfect, right? Not even Google, which has suffered some well-publicized service outages recently and finally felt compelled to apologize More

Posted by Lee Pender on August 14, 20080 comments

VMware Update Hits Snag

It's a week for apologies, and VMware is so sorry about a botched update that left some of its wares lifeless. Somewhere, Diane Greene must be having a bit of a chuckle.

Posted by Lee Pender on August 14, 20080 comments