Select Plus Licensing Begins this Week

Analyst and friend of RCPU Paul DeGroot doesn't seem to be much of a fan of it, but Select Plus licensing from Microsoft will be available More

Posted by Lee Pender on October 01, 20080 comments

It's the End of the World as We Know It...Maybe

If you're singing the old REM song in your head now, we're sorry, but the noise of Michael Stipe blurting out semi-random words might just help drown out that crashing sound coming from Wall Street.

Before we even get into this (again), here's our obligatory caveat: By the time you read this, the Dow Jones Industrial Average might be back up 500 points, or 700, or 1500, or whatever, and Congress might have passed a package that will save our very mortal souls -- or at least drag the country out of a mess the likes of which we haven't seen in decades. So there you go.


Posted by Lee Pender on September 30, 20082 comments

Microsoft Adds jQuery to Visual Studio

jQuery sounds to us like the nerdiest rap name ever, but apparently the fact that Microsoft is going to ship it with Visual Studio signals a further move on Redmond's part toward embracing open source, at least a little bit.

Posted by Lee Pender on September 30, 20081 comments

More Details on VS 2010 and .NET 4.0

Visual Studio and .NET might seem a touch mundane as topics in comparison to the end of Western Civilization and the collapse of the global economy -- but, hey, somebody's bound to be really excited about this stuff .

Posted by Lee Pender on September 30, 20080 comments

Communication Breakdown: Cisco Storms Into UC, Sort Of

Whatever unified communications is, everybody wants a part of it. Yesterday , we told you about Oracle cutting into the Notes-Exchange dance, which isn't strictly speaking a unified communications story, really...but it sort of is.

Or, at least, we think it is. After all, messaging, calendaring (we still love the fact that "calendar" is a verb now) and "collaboration" all seem pretty UC-ish to us, even if Oracle's new suite doesn't currently appear to delve quite as much into voice, Web conferencing and other nifty Web-whatever-point-oh functions as offerings from Microsoft and Cisco do.


Posted by Lee Pender on September 25, 20080 comments

I'm Not a PC, But the Ads Aren't Bad

We've always been amused by the English tendency to identify with soccer clubs by saying, "I'm West Ham" or "I'm Chelsea" or "I'm Stockport County," rather than saying, "I'm a (fill in the club here) fan." It's as if the fan himself or herself is the living embodiment of the club, a personification not just of an organization but of a way of life. More

Posted by Lee Pender on September 25, 20080 comments

Oracle Stirs Hornet's Nest with Beehive

Oracle doesn't get a lot of virtual ink here at RCPU, but there's no question that Larry Ellison's company is a monster, one of a few dominant firms in the industry along the lines of Microsoft (of course), IBM, Cisco, Google and maybe a couple of others. So, when Oracle does something significant, it matters -- and this week at its OpenWorld show, Oracle did something significant.


Posted by Lee Pender on September 24, 20081 comments

Microsoft Buys Itself, Sort Of

In case you missed it -- and if you follow this sort of thing -- Microsoft is buying back $40 billion of its stock to try to get its stagnant (and sinking) share price moving upward again.

Posted by Lee Pender on September 24, 20081 comments

ByteShield Launches Anti-Piracy App for .NET

It's Software Usage Management (that's a product, not a category) for .NET. Careful, the press release opens as a .PDF document.

Posted by Lee Pender on September 24, 20080 comments

MessageGate Rolls Out Risk-Management Apps

E-mail risk management , that is. Remember that "Seinfeld" episode where George can't stand reading because every time he reads he hears his own voice, so he buys a book on tape about risk management, and the voice on the tape ends up sounding just like his voice? Yeah, that was a good one.

Posted by Lee Pender on September 24, 20080 comments

Demand for IT Workers To Grow

With apologies to Willie Nelson: Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be investment bankers (if there is such a thing anymore). Make 'em be IT folks instead.

Posted by Lee Pender on September 23, 20080 comments

HPC Server Live

High Performance Clustering Server is out there .

Posted by Lee Pender on September 23, 20080 comments