Microsoft Officials Dizzy from OneCare Spin

The soon-to-be-dead Windows Live OneCare wasn't a failure, Microsoft folks are saying -- it just didn't succeed because people in developing countries couldn't afford it. Uh, do what, now? Hey, we don't get it, either...but check out the furious spinning for yourself here .

Posted by Lee Pender on December 03, 20080 comments

Interactive Intelligence Plans To Make UC Work

Finally, something having to do with unified communications makes sense -- because it really isn't focused on UC at all.

We've mentioned here before that we just don't get UC, and we kind of doubt that anybody else really does, either -- including a lot of the marketers who work for UC vendors. But one vendor that's more or less in the UC space is finally making sense to us, primarily by attaching an actual practical application for UC.


Posted by Lee Pender on December 03, 20082 comments

The View and VMware

No, Barbara Walters isn't prominently far as we know. This View is a new VMware product .

Posted by Lee Pender on December 03, 20080 comments

Worm Winding Way into Un-Patched Windows

Seriously, Microsoft's not kidding about this patch stuff. If you haven't been on top of it, you'd better read this .

Posted by Lee Pender on December 02, 20080 comments

Microsoft-Yahoo Story Doesn't Add Up

We'd like to thanks the Times of London , old chaps, for giving us something to write about in what's bound to be a slow time leading up to the holidays.

Some Times reporter said this week that Microsoft is going to pay $20 billion to buy Yahoo's search business -- a claim quickly refuted in the gosh-darn American Wall Street Journal (well, in one of its blogs, anyway), by a couple of investors who were supposed to be involved in the deal. All the relevant links, plus a nifty news story, are here on


Posted by Lee Pender on December 02, 20080 comments

Vista SP2 Due in April?

The question isn't so much when Vista SP2 is coming out as it is whether anybody cares that it's coming out. But if you do care, April might be your lucky month.

Posted by Lee Pender on December 02, 20081 comments

Microsoft Sets Security Applications Free

So, OneCare is dead, but Microsoft's effort to be a security vendor is still alive. Sort of. Microsoft will replace OneCare next year with a set of free security applications . Or maybe Microsoft will finally just take steps to secure its own applications the way users have wanted it to for a long time. In any case, there's the potential for trouble in all this. More

Posted by Lee Pender on November 20, 20081 comments

IBM Boosts Virtualization Portfolio with Purchase

It's a little company called Transitive that's falling into Armonk's hands . (By the way, we're going to start referring to IBM as "Armonk" the way we refer to Microsoft as "Redmond"...just because.)

Posted by Lee Pender on November 20, 20080 comments

Microsoft Releases Dynamics NAV 2009 as Recession Hits

Just in time for a deep global recession, it's a new enterprise software application from Microsoft! This time, it's small-business-focused Dynamics NAV that's getting an update.

Seriously, this doesn't seem like the best time for Redmond to introduce a new enterprise resource planning offering, but Chris Caren, general manager of marketing and product management for Microsoft Dynamics, isn't freaking out.


Posted by Lee Pender on November 19, 20081 comments

Microsoft Online Store Opens in U.S.

It probably won't affect the channel except at the very low end, and even there partners who are trying to make money strictly by reselling software are probably going broke, anyway. But the opening of Microsoft's online store in the U.S. might still make a few partners queasy.


Posted by Lee Pender on November 19, 20080 comments

Yahoo's Yang Out, Microsoft Back In?

Jerry Yang is out as CEO of Yahoo...which is, perhaps, a sign that Microsoft might be back in to buy the company -- eventually.

Posted by Lee Pender on November 19, 20080 comments