Microsoft Browsers: From Innovation to Illness

For those who accuse Microsoft of not being an innovative company, we offer Microsoft Research as an example of an argument to the contrary. The folks there are currently touting a browser that acts more like an operating system than...well, than like a browser. More details here.


Posted by Lee Pender on July 07, 20090 comments

Microsoft Issues ActiveX Security Warning

Another previously unknown and currently un-patched vulnerability is on the loose, Microsoft says. Read the full security advisory here.

Posted by Lee Pender on July 07, 20090 comments

Mimosa Boosts NearPoint

NearPoint 4.0 greatly expands the sources in which enterprise workers can search and find the data they need...along with a bunch of other useful stuff.

Posted by Lee Pender on July 02, 20090 comments

U.S. Government Tracking Its IT Spending (Seriously)

We know -- government is usually about as transparent as a brick wall. But the government's new CTO has set up a Web site aimed at tracking exactly where the government is spending its IT dollars. It's all part of a government effort to provide more information to those of us who fund it, which is going...well, OK, we guess. Note to partners who sell to the government: If these charts are any indication, Defense is a good bet for a department that might throw some money your way.

Posted by Lee Pender on July 02, 20090 comments

Google Eases Outlook GAS Pains

Google Apps Sync (or GAS, here at RCPU) was supposed to sync Gmail with Outlook, but it ended up messing up Outlook instead. Well, apparently, Google has the problem all worked out and can resume trying to kill Microsoft Exhange.

Posted by Lee Pender on July 02, 20090 comments

Reader Feedback: Just for Fun

Most of the time here at RCPU, we try to run reader e-mails pertinent to industry and partner issues because, well, that's what we cover. But with Independence Day weekend coming up, we thought it might be fun to...well, have some fun. So here are a couple of e-mails from a couple of our best serial e-mailers that have nothing to do with Microsoft, technology or even business.


Posted by Lee Pender on July 02, 20090 comments

Microsoft Working with Defense Department on Security

No Microsoft security jokes here, please. The company is working on Windows 7 security with a pretty good authority on the subject: the U.S. Department of Defense.  

Posted by Lee Pender on July 01, 20090 comments

Cisco Taking Aim at Office?

Wow, these guys in Northern California are showing some ambition. First, Cisco turns itself into a server company. Now, company officials are hinting at development of a long-rumored competitor to Microsoft Office. The potential sounds like a Web-based offering similar to Google Apps.


Posted by Lee Pender on July 01, 20091 comments

2009: The Halftime Report

This is when it starts to get better, right? Actually, maybe so. We heard beginning back in 2007 (maybe before then) that there was a recession coming and that it might be pretty bad. We heard the presidential candidates talk about it during most of 2008. And by the time 2009 came around, we were mired in it, with even Microsoft laying people off en masse for the first time ever and reporting disappointing earnings -- by Redmond's standards, anyway.


Posted by Lee Pender on July 01, 20091 comments

Gartner Bullish on PC Shipments

Apparently, the folks at Gartner went a little overboard with negativity and lowered its forecast for first-quarter PC shipments too much. The analysts are now saying that the market should recover nicely in 2010 -- and that 2009 isn't going to be as nasty as expected, either.


Posted by Lee Pender on June 30, 20090 comments

Microsoft Issues SharePoint Fix

From the "in-case-you-missed-it" file, Microsoft released a fix for a SharePoint SP2 glitch late last week. More details here.

Posted by Lee Pender on June 30, 20090 comments