Mozilla Emerges from the Underground with New Allies

La RĂ©sistance has gone mainstream. Once a more-or-less underground combatant in the battle against the Internet Explorer empire, Mozilla and its Firefox browser are now engaging in full warfare with along with a couple of powerful new allies: Google and RealNetworks. More

Posted by Lee Pender on August 03, 20065 comments

Buck-Fifty a Beta for Office 2007

Speaking of betas , that "other" beta product just became a new cash cow for Microsoft. Want to download Office 2007 Beta 2? That’ll cost you the price of a soft drink and some of those pre-packaged cookies from the hallway candy machine. More

Posted by Lee Pender on August 01, 20064 comments

Don't Play SAM Again

A Redmond magazine columnist now has his doubts about the Software Asset Management program. Any thoughts on SAM? Any experience with it? Comment here or send me e-mail at [email protected] .

Posted by Lee Pender on July 25, 20060 comments

True Tales of Software Piracy

With Windows Genuine Advantage blowing up in Redmond's face (scroll to the last entry here ), I asked whether any of you had experience with a company that sold pirated software. Without mentioning any names (as promised), here are some of the stories I received:

"Yes, I worked at a place that sold/installed pirated software. I think it was terrible. This was in the days of Novell, and what they did was buy software (Novell) and use it in the office and also install it at client sites. So when it was time to call Novell for support, it was a big scramble to figure out who was registered as the owner. Also, when it was time to upgrade, it was a big mess. We also sold people RAM and charged them for Compaq RAM and installed Kingston."


Posted by Lee Pender on July 25, 20060 comments

It's Earnings Day In Redmond

There will be a stock buyback... after a disappointing results announcement. (Microsoft's whole press release is here .)

Meanwhile, down in Northern California, More

Posted by Lee Pender on July 20, 20060 comments

All of their Principles have Dollar Signs attached to Them

Amnesty International says that Microsoft, along with Yahoo! and Google, has colluded with the Chinese government on Internet censorship. And maybe they all have. But there's a knee-slapper of a quote from Amnesty in this one: "The willingness of Yahoo!, Microsoft and Google to override their principles amounts to a betrayal of trust in the face of the lucrative opportunities that the Chinese market offers them." More

Posted by Lee Pender on July 20, 20061 comments

More on the Importance of Being Microsoft

We told you in our July issue that Microsoft is the world's biggest brand. As our story said, it might be the biggest, but not necessarily the best loved. A recent Harris Interactive survey , for example, doesn't even include Microsoft in the top 10 of its best brands poll. More

Posted by Lee Pender on July 20, 20060 comments

Careless Whispers at the WWPC

This week's Partner Conference in Boston has been a show for the big guys and the global guys. One partner told me that Microsoft told him that more than 70 percent of conference attendees are Gold Certified Partners, and almost half are from Europe. The Dutch in particular have been easy to spot with their bright orange shirts.

I also heard that Microsoft's Ballmer-attended Gold Certified Partner luncheon on Tuesday turned out to be a little less regal than expected. Instead of having the tables, table cloths and other signs of civilized dining that partners surely deserve, Microsoft's channel champions got rows of chairs (no tables) and cold box lunches! Heck, we got a better deal in the press room. Maybe those Eurofines have already led to some cost cutting in Redmond...


Posted by Lee Pender on July 13, 20060 comments

Microsoft Sweetens the Security Pot

Not everybody who responded to Tuesday's newsletter was thrilled with Steve Ballmer's Microsoft's-way-or-the-highway WWPC keynote.

Wayne wrote to say:

"If Steve Ballmer wants to ramp up the Microsoft strong arm business tactics, I will start selling Linux packages. I am NOT going to turn my back on other companies that I have partnered with. I plan to provide my customers the best computer services that can be found in (I won't reveal where he is -- just in case --LP). If I can NOT provide solutions that fit my customers' needs and can only provide the Microsoft solution to continue my partnership then COUNT ME OUT!"


Posted by Lee Pender on July 13, 20060 comments

Eurofines become a Reality for Redmond

The Eurostory we've been telling you about continues....

Well, Microsoft has not settled its anti-trust case with the EU, so now it's time for Redmond to throw some euros Brussels' way. The news, not exactly a shock, doesn't seem to have affected Microsoft's deflated stock price much, but it's surely one expense (and a big hassle) that Redmond would rather not have to deal with. Click here to read the piece from Reuters.


Posted by Lee Pender on July 11, 20060 comments

Jimmy Buffett to Chip in Shaker of Salt, If He Can Find It

The "other" Buffett, Warren, is now a big part of Bill Gates? plans to save the world. 2006/06/26/buffett_earmarks_billions_for_charity/

Posted by Lee Pender on June 26, 20060 comments