Virtual Vista: Try Before You Buy (or Sell?)

We start today with an e-mail from Peter, who writes to us from Melbourne, Australia, mate, in response to our recent query on whether partners are making money off Vista. His news is not good:

"Vista might be booming in Redmond, but in our town it seems to be a lead balloon. We do not know any other partners running it internally, and none of our customers have the slightest interest in it whatsoever.

"One of our BI [business intelligence, natch --LP] customers, a large bank, is just now upgrading from NT4 to Windows XP and is very seriously looking at Linux. Personally, I am quite happy on XP SP2 and have no plans to move until high-function machines are common.

"The bottom line is we are making nothing off Vista and, frankly, getting nothing much from the Partner Program either."


Posted by Lee Pender on June 07, 20073 comments

Developments for Developers at TechEd

Break out the Skittles and Mountain Dew! Don your favorite ironic T-shirt! Developers have some new toys from Microsoft, including an Open XML SDK and a Visual Studio Shell .

Posted by Lee Pender on June 06, 20070 comments

Microsoft and Linux: Somebody Get Some Lawyers in Here

This story is starting to feel so much like a soap opera that we're going to have to start with a little back story before we get to the news of the week. So, here we go:

You remember the Microsoft-Novell SuSE Linux deal, right? There's no need to explain that one, we hope. You also remember how the Free Software Foundation, which controls the license that governs the use of Linux, wanted to do whatever it could to kill, or at least severely injure, the SuSE agreement. And you remember, too, that Microsoft claims that open source software violates more than 200 of its patents.


Posted by Lee Pender on June 05, 20070 comments

Boston Reader Breakfast Still on for June 19

Bostonians! New Englanders! Come have breakfast with your RCPU editor and other members of the Redmond Channel Partner staff. Our June 19 RCP reader breakfast is still on. Check out the details here . There will be more info to come as we have it -- including where we're actually going to hold the breakfast. Details, details.

Posted by Lee Pender on June 05, 20070 comments

Look Who's Copy-Wrong Now

You might remember that Microsoft took a swipe at Google a couple of months ago for what Redmond considered a blatant disregard of copyright law in its upstart competitor's book search. Well, as we all know, Microsoft would never, ever add copyrighted content to its book search More

Posted by Lee Pender on June 05, 20070 comments

OneCare Now Very Slightly Better Than Before

Microsoft's anti-virus offering, not exactly the best of the bunch by some measures, is apparently very slightly better than it was before -- and no longer performs worse than anything else on the market in at least one test. Hey, it's progress...we suppose.

Posted by Lee Pender on June 05, 20070 comments

Goings On at TechEd

There have been quite a few of items of note thus far at TechEd, including:


Posted by Lee Pender on June 05, 20070 comments

Google's Office Competitor: When Will 'Free' Trump 'Feature-Rich'?

Almost two months ago , while pondering when (or if) Google's nascent productivity suite might eventually be able to seriously compete with Microsoft Office, RCPU offered this thought:

"No, Google Apps, Docs & Spreadsheets -- and most of the rest of the tools in the Google productivity arsenal -- aren't quite ready to threaten Office. But look out. Google's suite is SaaS (Software as a Service) in action. However, when users aren't connected or the company network is down, it's more like 'SaaS inaction.' There is no software installed on the client. This basic fact no doubt has conservative IT folks and users thinking twice about SaaS altogether."


Posted by Lee Pender on June 01, 20071 comments

More Twists for Microsoft-Novell Linux Deal

If we're to believe a somewhat cryptic, anonymously sourced story that appeared this week , Novell "won't be punished" by the Free Software Foundation for making its contentious (to say the very least) SuSE Linux deal with Microsoft. We'd like to take that to mean that the FSF won't use the forthcoming version GPLv3, the license that governs Linux use, to stop Microsoft from distributing SuSE Linux -- something it More

Posted by Lee Pender on June 01, 20071 comments

Gates Misses Chance To Yell, 'I Got the Loot, Steve!'

Bill Gates, perhaps not a fan of the iconic late-'90s TV movie Pirates of Silicon Valley (a tried and true RCPU favorite), apparently missed the opportunity to shout "I got the loot, Steve!" at Apple chief Steve Jobs when the two of them appeared together on stage yesterday More

Posted by Lee Pender on June 01, 20070 comments

Readers on Making Money With Vista and Other Stuff

We didn't get tons of responses to our query as to whether you're making much money off the much-maligned, but apparently not totally disastrous, Vista operating system, but we did get a few interesting thoughts. These probably won't go over too well in Redmond, but here they are.

Nat starts us off:


Posted by Lee Pender on June 01, 20070 comments

Ballmer: Ads and Electronics Are the Future

Aside from dropping a little nastygram to some of the company's former employees, Steve Ballmer told a crowd at the D conference (don't worry -- we had to look it up , too) that online advertising and consumer electronics will be very big parts of Redmond's future More

Posted by Lee Pender on May 31, 20070 comments