Microsoft Drops Hints With Patent Applications

Want to know what the post-Vista world might look like? We'll bet you do.

Well, Microsoft dropped a hint or two with a couple of recent applications for patents . No word yet on whether the open source folks came up with any of this stuff first.

Posted by Lee Pender on July 17, 20070 comments

Microsoft's Security Dichotomy

Oh, the double-edged sword of security that swings daily in Redmond. On one hand, Microsoft is pumping major resources into its Forefront integrated security suite, the one that 4,000 or so partners are now trying to sell. On the proverbial other hand, though, there's a problem with Internet Explorer 7 More

Posted by Lee Pender on July 12, 20070 comments

Redmond Slowly (Very Slowly) Gaining Ground in Search

The bad news for Microsoft search watchers is that Google is extending its market share lead. The good news is that Microsoft is kind of, sort of, catching up with Yahoo a little bit.

Posted by Lee Pender on July 12, 20070 comments

Good Advice for Microsoft: Stop Trying To Be Cool

Microsoft is a lot of things to a lot of people: a moneymaker for partners, a blessing and a headache at the same time for users, an easy target for competitors and antitrust types, and something of an enigma -- of late, anyway -- for investors. But what Microsoft is not, and never will be, is cool.

We don't claim here at RCPU to be the arbiters of cool. Far from it, actually. But like anybody else, we know cool when we see it. And we don't see it in Redmond. We see wealthy, highly profitable, astute, capable, extremely tenacious, energetic and sometimes even innovative -- but not cool. If anything, the now-famous Mac Guy-PC Guy commercials that Apple has been running sum up pretty well the public image Microsoft has developed for itself -- nerdy, uptight and, these days, a bit bloated.


Posted by Lee Pender on July 12, 20070 comments

Meeting With Microsoft This Week? Mind Your Manners

A few of weeks ago, your editor was having a chat with one of his colleagues out in RCP 's office in sun-drenched, meticulously planned Irvine, Calif. The colleague mentioned that she had a friend who worked for Microsoft and then went on to detail a brief conversation with that friend that went more or less like this:

RCP colleague: So, I Googled [something, it doesn't matter what] the other day, and

Microsoft friend (interrupting): Don't you mean "Live Searched" it?

RCP colleague (befuddled):


Posted by Lee Pender on July 11, 20070 comments CEO: CRM Live Is Another Zune

Microsoft this week took the wraps off a major part of its hosting strategy -- the CRM Live initiative , which involves the company itself hosting customer relationship management applications for customers (and sold through, but not hosted by, partners) at bargain-basement prices.

Never one to back down to Redmond (quite the contrary, in fact), CEO Marc Benioff immediately began running smack about Redmond's new scheme, or so it said in this article:


Posted by Lee Pender on July 11, 20071 comments

A New Vista Comes Into the World

We here at RCPU sometimes read things that we wish weren't true, but, sadly, they are. Such is the case with a gentleman who named his baby daughter (and congrats to his family, by the way), you guessed it...Vista, after the operating system .

Posted by Lee Pender on July 06, 20070 comments

Microsoft Buys Two More Data Centers

In its continuing quest to become a titan of hosted applications the way it has become one in so many other categories, Microsoft snapped up a cool $200 million worth of Silicon Valley data centers recently.

Posted by Lee Pender on July 06, 20070 comments

RCP's Guide to Setting Up Shop in Seattle

Your editor can remember, quite distinctly, his first trip to Seattle. It was 1983, and the city back then was known for vistas that involved mountains and the Puget Sound, not questionable sales figures and widespread customer dissatisfaction. (Sorry. That was just too easy.)

But seriously, in 1983, the first thing people thought of when they thought of Seattle was rain, or maybe the Sound, the mountains or even the Washington Huskies (who were good back then, for those who have forgotten or just never knew). Today, though, the first thing that races to a lot of folks' minds when they hear the word "Seattle" is Microsoft.


Posted by Lee Pender on July 06, 20070 comments

New Linux License To Put the Hurt on Microsoft -- Maybe

The Free Software Foundation has released version 3 of the license that governs Linux use and, as expected, it appears to put the kibosh on Microsoft's recent patent-racketeering spree with Linux distributors. But GPL v3 is no simple document, and it could cause some confusion for vendors still working under v2 (or deciding whether to More

Posted by Lee Pender on July 02, 20070 comments