Hazy, Hot and Houston

It's a question we've heard a lot in the last couple of days: Who decided to hold a conference in Houston in July?

Well, Microsoft did, and the thousands of partners who are descending upon the city this week will likely be met with a Texas-style welcome: temperatures in the 90s (today's high topped out at a relatively cool 92) and high humidity. Great.

Maybe it's your editor's bias toward Dallas-Fort Worth (mainly Fort Worth), but RCPU has never been a huge fan of Houston. As a native Texan, your editor knows and loves huge swaths of his home state -- Austin, San Antonio, the Hill Country, parts of the Gulf Coast, the desert mountains of West Texas and, of course, Cowtown (or Funkytown, or whatever you want to call Fort Worth). Texas can be beautiful.

Downtown Houston 1
[Click for larger view.]

But RCPU came to Houston expecting to spend a lot of time in the hotel, and, well...we've been pleasantly surprised. The RCPU team -- four strong for this event -- strolled over to a downtown steakhouse Monday evening for dinner after the show and had a great time and a spectacular meal. Then, we strolled back by Minute Maid Park -- the Astros' stadium, which, we have to say, looks kind of funny from the outside -- and over to a place called Discovery Green.


Posted by Lee Pender on July 08, 20080 comments

Hyper-V: Time To Curb the Enthusiasm?

Last week's launch by Microsoft of Hyper-V brought out the enthusiasts right out of the gate, as even gritty bloggers recognized that the hypervisor's price tag as part of Windows Server 2008 (that is, free) is pretty alluring More

Posted by Lee Pender on July 02, 20080 comments

Intel Also Rejects Vista

Yeesh, this is kind of ugly. The "tel" (or just the "Intel," depending on how you read it) in Wintel is saying no to Vista .

There's really nothing left to say here, but we're sort of enjoying looking at the Vista car wreck from the traffic jam on the (hello, early '90s phrase) information superhighway.


Posted by Lee Pender on July 02, 20080 comments

Microsoft Buys Powerset

That whole Yahoo thing fell through, so Powerset will have to do .

Posted by Lee Pender on July 02, 20080 comments

RCP at the WPC

It's the biggest show of the year for Microsoft Partners and the biggest event of the year for Redmond Channel Partner magazine and RCPU alike: It's the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference , and it kicks off next week in Houston.

Before you go, you simply must check out RCP's preview video, starring your editor and RCP Editor in Chief Scott Bekker (although not necessarily in that order -- you might say that this video has no lone star).


Posted by Lee Pender on July 02, 20081 comments

Microsoft Tries To Simplify Licensing for Larger Customers

Yes, this should make things much...easier? Microsoft this week introduced Select Plus Volume Licensing , a program intended to simplify and reduce the cost of licensing for larger organizations. (We'll forgive Microsoft for giving this program a name that sounds more like the name of a frequent flyer scheme: "We'd like to board our Select Plus passengers at this timeā€¦") More

Posted by Lee Pender on July 02, 20080 comments

Microsoft's 50,000-Page Summer Thriller

Your editor is writing this entry from his childhood home outside of Dallas, a place that always brings back memories of, well, childhood. Now that we're stretching into the third or fourth inning of summer, a lot of those memories are of playing baseball and soccer in the backyard and then weaving into the house completely dehydrated (hey, it gets hot in Texas) and gulping gallons of water. But one piece of news this week stirred our recollection of another summer standard: the summer reading list. More

Posted by Lee Pender on July 01, 20081 comments

Microsoft Finally Fixes Anti-Virus Bug

We say "finally" because apparently Symantec was all over it weeks ago.

By the way, should we read anything at all into the fact that Microsoft, which is now more than a year into its effort to be a security vendor, had a "bug" that messed up certain Symantec applications? Hmm, should we? Probably not, but we do like to cause trouble when we can.

Posted by Lee Pender on July 01, 20080 comments

Redmond Beset by Patch-Blocking Problem Again

You might say that Microsoft's record on getting fixes out to its users is becoming a little, uh, patchy .

Posted by Lee Pender on July 01, 20080 comments

Redmond and the Four-Letter F-Word

It's "Fiji," for heaven's sake. This is a family newsletter! Anyway, apparently, Microsoft's codename of Fiji -- which the company is using for a forthcoming edition of Windows Media Center -- isn't actually going down all that well in...Fiji. Mary Jo Foley explains .

Posted by Lee Pender on July 01, 20080 comments

MSPs Turning Out To Be Right About UC

All that noise MSPs have been making about how complicated unified communications can be? Apparently it was more than just noise...

Posted by Lee Pender on June 30, 20080 comments

The Search for a Service Provider

What do companies look for when searching for an MSP? This fairly comprehensive article gives us an idea -- which could be useful both for MSPs and the companies searching for them.

Posted by Lee Pender on June 30, 20080 comments