Pender's Blog

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RCPU 2008: Changes Coming

Welcome back! And welcome to 2008 -- an Olympic year, an election year (in the U.S., anyway), a year when there'll be a European Championship soccer tournament and a year in which you'll see a few new wrinkles in what we hope is your favorite e-mail newsletter, or at least your favorite newsletter written by a Texan working in an office on Route 9 in Framingham, Mass. (We're guessing that we've got that last category nailed.)

Yes, we're making some changes to RCPU. Oh, it's not going to be that big a deal. In fact, we think that you'll like the new, more focused, (somewhat) less random RCPU for 2008 (and, we hope, beyond). First off, we're going to run the newsletter three times per week rather than four most weeks this year in hopes of at least postponing your editor's inevitable development of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Beyond that, we're going to reorganize things just a bit. You'll still get the opening RCPU rant du jour at the top of the newsletter that you've come to know and tolerate, but, after that, we'll be sorting news and commentary into categories, a different one for each day of the week the newsletter runs. (Collect them all! It'll make a fun game!)

The opening item of the newsletter will, as promised, continue to be a comment on whatever big thing happens to be happening right then. We'll start breaking stuff down after that. On Tuesdays, we'll come in with general tech industry news -- stuff like financial results, vendor executive moves, analyst blather, nasty little wars of words between industry players and the like. On Wednesdays, we'll deliver product news, which seems pretty self-explanatory. And on Thursdays, we'll hit you with channel news -- all partner stuff, all the time.

So, you say, whither Reader Feedback Friday? Alas, like the year 2007 just passed, it is but a pleasant memory now. But we'll still be running tons of reader e-mails (probably on Thursdays, mostly, but you'll have to keep reading to find out), so please keep sending them to [email protected].

All of this will start next week. Until then, enjoy your leftover New Year's champagne (and the last few college football bowl games), and get that tree out of the living room before you burn the house down.

-- Lee

Posted by Lee Pender on January 03, 2008


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