Pender's Blog

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Maybe BI Is Dead After All

Or maybe not, but we did find this amusing. We opened an entry on Blink Logic on Nov. 28 thusly:

"Robert Lendvai was as confused as anybody when he read RCPU's declaration that IBM's planned buyout of Cognos meant the end of business intelligence as we know it. The chief marketing office of Blink Logic, an Ottawa-based BI firm, even had a bit of a career crisis: 'I wondered whether maybe I should resign,' Lendvai said."

That was at the end of November. This week -- and we couldn't make this up -- we got an e-mail from former colleague Chris Kanaracus letting us know that Lendvai actually did resign on Dec. 5. We called to check it out...and it's true! A company spokesperson cited "personal reasons" for the resignation, and we certainly wish Lendvai well in any case.

But, seriously, we don't even need to make a joke here, do we? The whole thing is just too bizarre...and too funny.

Posted by Lee Pender on December 21, 2007


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