Pender's Blog

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Fake Steve Jobs Is the Real Dan Lyons

Let's not even pretend that we'll have a bigger story than this one this week. This one is right up there with "Microsoft Makes Major Investment in Apple" (which happened, by the way, 10 years ago this week) and "Bill Gates To Transition Away from Microsoft" (well, sort of).

After 14 months of stealth parody of Apple's iconic leader, we now know who the Fake Steve Jobs has been all along. The decidedly old-media New York Times unmasked the legendary blogger and new-media meme as...Forbes Senior Editor Dan Lyons, who just happens to be one of your editor's former colleagues! (OK, so your editor worked at the same publication as Lyons about 10 years ago and met him once -- it still counts! And we at RCPU can confirm that Mr. Lyons is a very funny guy.)

With Lyons out as Fake Steve, the comparisons of Real Dan to Fake Steve have begun, and even the Fake Bill Gates (on a site full of fake-somebody bloggers that frankly should be funnier) has chimed in.

Oh, sure, this probably seems a little silly -- and, well, it is. It's not even Microsoft-related, and it has even less to do with Microsoft partners. But, hey, it's August, and we don't exactly have news through a fire hose this week. In fact, it's been more like news dripping from a leaky faucet lately. So, to our ol' buddy Dan -- who, apparently, will continue to write his blog as Fake Steve and has a Fake Steve book coming out, we say, "Bravo!" And thanks for the virtual good times.

Posted by Lee Pender on August 07, 2007


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